wow unbaptised, where do you get your information? first off, the world has gone through warming and cooling trends since it started. how do you explain the temperature on mars and other planets getting warmer to? the sun is going through a hot phase. honeybees are not dying off, they are moving, and there is proof this is because of the usage of so many cell phones, the signals interfere with them. and we have less threat of dying from infectious diseases than ever before. don't drink the kool aid bro.
JoinedPosts by bigdreaux
The Great Tribulation is picking up speed!!!!!!!!!!!!
by unbaptized inthe tribulation is really starting to speed up it's pace.
i just read that atleast 3 types of animal and plant life go extinct every hour.
global warming threatens the entire planet, crimes against women and children are at a all time high, honeybees dying off for unexplained reasons, the threat of nuclear war, the ravage of infectious disease.
Did The Watchtower Societys View Of Sex Make Sense?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-size: 18px; font-family: arial; color: #0066ff; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {color: #ff00ff} .style5 {color: #0066ff} --> did the watchtower societys view of sex make sense?wait until marriagethis is typically the acceptable practice among jehovahs witnesses.
there can be an argument about the watchtowers proposal for the use of chaperons.
however, admittedly it seems impractical and resisted in modern western civilization.
yeah, the masturbation thing doesn't make sense. first off, i don't know about all you all, but, if i go more than a day or two without, release, i go nuts, and it's all i can think about that. not only that, but, if you do go to long with that release, for guys, you have nocturnal emmission, which is your body getting rid of the unused baby juice. also, many doctors say that regular masturbation is not only mentally healthy, but, promotes good prostate function. thankfully, i have a wife that gives me more than i can handle, but, before, i was off to the races with a good nudie book and lots of lube. lol sorry for being so graphic, but, ya get my point.
LIVID at knocking documentary
by avishai inwe give state funds for this sh*t?
phillip brumley's smug face on there?
well, here's how he twists words about child molesters......the person referred to in the story, the victim, is my brother.
thanks sf. i just wrote a letter. i hope it doesn't fall on deaf ears.
LIVID at knocking documentary
by avishai inwe give state funds for this sh*t?
phillip brumley's smug face on there?
well, here's how he twists words about child molesters......the person referred to in the story, the victim, is my brother.
i like the idea of a counter documentary of knocking. we could call it, answering. hahahaa
Bible infallible?
by Shawn10538 ini am wondering how many of the folks on this site believe that the bible is the infallible word of god.
post your replies if you are.
can i get an amen?
oops, that link doesn't work. just go to google video and type the naked truth. it'll pop up.
Bible infallible?
by Shawn10538 ini am wondering how many of the folks on this site believe that the bible is the infallible word of god.
post your replies if you are.
can i get an amen?
here is a very long, sometimes strange video about the bible. if you watch it all the way through, all 2 hours of it, i think you will see the bible in another way. it's very interesting if you have the time or desire to see it.
I need help from researchers
by ex-nj-jw ini recently started talking to an old friend that is still a jdub.
i think he is starting to have some doubts about jdubism due to some events in his personal life recently.. i think i remember a thread not too long ago about different pagan beliefs/rituals that jdub's observe.
like wedding rings, bridal gowns and the whole bridal shower stuff, and if i'm not mistaken the whole wedding cermony thing also.. if anyone knows where i can find out this information that shows some pagan rituals that jdub's currently participate in i would greatly appreciate it.. thanks a million.
I need help from researchers
by ex-nj-jw ini recently started talking to an old friend that is still a jdub.
i think he is starting to have some doubts about jdubism due to some events in his personal life recently.. i think i remember a thread not too long ago about different pagan beliefs/rituals that jdub's observe.
like wedding rings, bridal gowns and the whole bridal shower stuff, and if i'm not mistaken the whole wedding cermony thing also.. if anyone knows where i can find out this information that shows some pagan rituals that jdub's currently participate in i would greatly appreciate it.. thanks a million.
check this website out also. this is a good place to look.
I need help from researchers
by ex-nj-jw ini recently started talking to an old friend that is still a jdub.
i think he is starting to have some doubts about jdubism due to some events in his personal life recently.. i think i remember a thread not too long ago about different pagan beliefs/rituals that jdub's observe.
like wedding rings, bridal gowns and the whole bridal shower stuff, and if i'm not mistaken the whole wedding cermony thing also.. if anyone knows where i can find out this information that shows some pagan rituals that jdub's currently participate in i would greatly appreciate it.. thanks a million.
from the Encyclopedia Britannica, which, is a resource the society readily uses in much of it's publications states, we are told that this use of the ring which was thus a purely secular origin received ecclesiastical sanction...from the eleventh century. this was the age of spiritual darkness, when the church was practicing much corruption and many pagan customs, some of which were never dropped.
from secular history, we learn that the ancient pagan romans were responsible for the beginning of the use of wedding rings. originally, the ring was placed on the third finger of the left hand because of a superstitious belief that a vein from this finger runs directly to the heart.
hope this helps.
Plastic Blood?
by kwr in
scientists have developed an artificial plastic blood which could act as a substitute in emergencies.
unconfused, get with the program, they already have plastic vaginas. haha someone needs a visit to the local porn shop. kidding, love ya bro. agrape, ha agape. sorry, i am drunk on rum. lol we like our alcohol here.