I have been working on Atlas Shrugged since January, hahah. It is a long one, but well worth it.
I have read :
Anthem, We the Living, Fountainhead, and parts of The Virture of Selfishness, as well as various other essays that I have found online. I have found a lot of info on http://www.aynrand.org One thing that I have found is that I had a totally misuderstanding of her from my initial readings about her (various book reviews here and there); I thought she was a very cold person, but once I took the time to study I realized she wasn't someone that dismissed emotions, as some have claimed.
One of my favorite quotes is:"I need no warrant for being, and no word of sanction upon my being. I am the warrant and the sanction."
Littlerock...I understand your pain. The reason it has been taking me so long to read Atlas is because I spent most of march sick, and it hurt to read. Have you tried finding a large print edition online?