Schism those at the top likely or want to think so, and again how is the earthly class going to deal with 6 billion fetid rotting corpses. Faith is one thing, insanity is another. I could have more faith in a magical fairy godfather who would wisk the debris away with his magic wand than the idea,that we have earned the glorious reward to live hopelessly in filth and death, trying in vain to turn the world into a paradise without some considerable heavy lifting from Jehovah.
JoinedPosts by RubyStevens
Major Clean Up After The Big A?
by RubyStevens inone of the more shocking things i've come across on this forum is that supposedly it'll be our responsibility to clean up the mess armagedon made and make the world a paradise during the 1000 year reign (jw's belive in the 1000 year reign, then the final judgement and destruction of satan right?
my doctrine is a little fuzzy).
this is new to me, has it appeared anywhere in the literature, talks, or the bible?
Major Clean Up After The Big A?
by RubyStevens inone of the more shocking things i've come across on this forum is that supposedly it'll be our responsibility to clean up the mess armagedon made and make the world a paradise during the 1000 year reign (jw's belive in the 1000 year reign, then the final judgement and destruction of satan right?
my doctrine is a little fuzzy).
this is new to me, has it appeared anywhere in the literature, talks, or the bible?
It's odd but for this to make some kind of twisted sense you would have to let yourself believe completely in magic, in an example of God's awesome power. Poof! Armagedon, a moment for JW's to laugh and go neener neener at the charred remains of the unbelievers then Poof! a paradise. Where we probably wouldn't having running water, indoor plumbing, central heating, air conditioning, electricity, or anything above primitive tools. Unless, and not unreasonably, you can convince yourself that being a paradise, we'll have all those things, and water comes sparkling clean out of the tap without being through a treatment plant, spectic systems never need to be pumped, and electricity comes from a plant run on a water engine. Or else these things just are, without explanation, it's a magic paradise, free of logic. It's when you start to think about it you realize how codified and how it belongs on a Candyland board it is. The "best case" scenairo if we do have have to clean up the bodies is that it will be like those standing ground zero at an atomic explosion ash and bone. And again, what to do about the chemical plants in flames, all the nuclear plants going into meltdown, cars clogging every roadway. The Society would be better served to just shrug and say "It's Jehovah, he'll take care of it with a wave of his hand."
2007 Yearbook
by RubyStevens ini'll always have a weakness for looking through jw literature, the illustrations, the soothing repeating mush of a cult kind enough to do all your thinking for you.
well i was looking through the yearbook and the seams are really starting to show.
like was said in another thread, they try to have it both "intrest waning means the end is near/numbers are booming!
onacruse I acutally found out about that WT cover from here which is why I mentioned it. I'm twenty-three and did leave when I was 12, but my father has stayed involved. And even though my parents are seperated, they spilt before we left, JWs are still a part of my life. Actually I hadn't given much daily thought to them until I came here. I don't think I'm obsessive yet, it's just nice to know I'm not alone in my questions, doubts, or experiences. That other women and girls chafed at wearing dowdy floral print dresses and fidgeted during service, waiting eagerly for it to be over. That I don't have the sympathy for people I should have, because that connection was cauterized shut by the Kingdom Hall, who told me the kids at school who brought in cupcakes for everybody on their birthdays, and wanted me to come over to their sleepovers were evil and bad asociations. That I could try to convert them but not be friends with them. That my congregation was my best friend. I haven't had anyplace until now I could really talk about this. I've kept it inside too long.
Major Clean Up After The Big A?
by RubyStevens inone of the more shocking things i've come across on this forum is that supposedly it'll be our responsibility to clean up the mess armagedon made and make the world a paradise during the 1000 year reign (jw's belive in the 1000 year reign, then the final judgement and destruction of satan right?
my doctrine is a little fuzzy).
this is new to me, has it appeared anywhere in the literature, talks, or the bible?
That and the big No No of mentioning, that maybe, just maybe those prophets were reffering to the multiple destructions of Jerusalem, Babylon, and finally Rome.
2007 Yearbook
by RubyStevens ini'll always have a weakness for looking through jw literature, the illustrations, the soothing repeating mush of a cult kind enough to do all your thinking for you.
well i was looking through the yearbook and the seams are really starting to show.
like was said in another thread, they try to have it both "intrest waning means the end is near/numbers are booming!
If she keeps bound volumes of the WT that far back just show her the infamous cover from around 84 or so that proclaims "1914: The Generation That Will Not Pass Away".
Major Clean Up After The Big A?
by RubyStevens inone of the more shocking things i've come across on this forum is that supposedly it'll be our responsibility to clean up the mess armagedon made and make the world a paradise during the 1000 year reign (jw's belive in the 1000 year reign, then the final judgement and destruction of satan right?
my doctrine is a little fuzzy).
this is new to me, has it appeared anywhere in the literature, talks, or the bible?
One of the more shocking things I've come across on this forum is that supposedly it'll be our responsibility to clean up the mess Armagedon made and make the world a paradise during the 1000 year reign (JW's belive in the 1000 year reign, then the final judgement and destruction of Satan right? My doctrine is a little fuzzy). This is new to me, has it appeared anywhere in the literature, talks, or the bible? I always assumed Jehovah would use his magic Jehovah powers to whisk broom away every crumbled building and dead baby and turn the scene into a meadow with an apple orchard with people wandering around in their native costumes. I'm curious about this. And your thoughts on what you thought Armagedon would be, the aftermath, and what life on paradise earth would be like.
2007 Yearbook
by RubyStevens ini'll always have a weakness for looking through jw literature, the illustrations, the soothing repeating mush of a cult kind enough to do all your thinking for you.
well i was looking through the yearbook and the seams are really starting to show.
like was said in another thread, they try to have it both "intrest waning means the end is near/numbers are booming!
I'll always have a weakness for looking through JW literature, the illustrations, the soothing repeating mush of a cult kind enough to do all your thinking for you. Well I was looking through the Yearbook and the seams are really starting to show. Like was said in another thread, they try to have it both "intrest waning means the end is near/numbers are booming!" ways. Most telling was who recieved the brunt of coverage, in the developed world they're flailing, but they are growing in Africa. It makes me sad to see these people who have nothing but tracts and a kingdom hall to keep them going, and I understand why they would cotton to the JWs so eagerly. Has anyone seen (accurate) numbers of Witnesses in the states, is there growth? I bet if they were to refine the definition to attends every meeting, plus one hour in field service, they'd get a much more honest picture.
I went out of respect for my father who is semi involved after not going for over 5 years. Never again, it was one of the most sumpremely uncomfortable moments of my life.
Views of worldy folk as a witness
by fifi40 ini bring this subject up because personally i dont get it.. i have noticed that some posters use words such as 'evil' or 'stinking goats' to describe the view (either their own adopted view or that of the jw org) they had of worldly people whilst a jehovahs witness.. the reason i find this difficult to understand is because i never felt that way toward 'people of the world' whislt being a believer of of the teachings of the jw organisation.
and i didnt pick up on it being rammed down my throat by the org either.
now i wonder if i was ignorant of something, not paying enough attention or if it is just each individuals approach toward life that makes the difference.. what were your views of 'people of the world and why?.
I was afraid of "wordly" people mostly. I didn't hear "goat" very much at all, but Bad Asociations Spoil Useful Habits was a biggie. But even so young (we left when I was 12) I wondered how could we serve two masters? How could we be the bestest, godliest, love oozing out of our pores organazation that loved our brother but at the same time despise wordly ones and view them of use only as someone we could con into reading a checklist of WTS literature and come to meetings?
the credit rank and file are prepared to give to them...
by chelsea inmy mother once found a man's wallet and returned it to him.
she said "i am a jehovah's witness and we are honest people, that's why i am returning this to you.
" when i told her that i would return his wallet also and i am the antithesis of a jehovah's witness, and that i was disgusted that she would give them credit for her own decent nature, she just carried on about how he would be more likely to listen next time they knocked at his door... i found it repulsive that an act of nothing more than decent behaviour (where one treats another as they would like to be treated) was made out to be something exceptional... and that my mother used the occasion to laud the wtbts... good grief!!!!!!!!!
It sounds like those little bites they would have in publications, that I do believe a banished Bethel member admited were greatly embroidered if not outright fabricated, about a JW doing something that is a simple act of human decency, making a production of saying they're a JW, and then the person reacting in disbelief that they had heard so many bad things about the JWs, and this had completely opened their eyes. The more rich ones ended with the person starting a bible study with that JW.