CORRUPT GIRL - Very well written. Great thoughts that hit the nail on the head. You express my same sentiments on this Anthony Morris thing . The hypocrisy is even more glaring when we read the WT quotes you supplied ! Thanks for that.
And to me the HYPOCRISY is the biggest thing in this situation. As I posted on another big thread about this- if Anthony Morris saw another JW he knew purchasing 12 bottles of Scotch Whiskey, do we think he'd be quiet about it ? I highly doubt it. He'd sternly " counsel " any average JW about the purchase and tell the " brother " or " sister " they need some counsel.
But GB members think they are ABOVE receiving ANY counsel. It's a double standard of " do as I say, not as I do " message they send out. It's always been that way. I mean we see this in many examples and areas in life where leaders have too much power. Whether it's religious, political, or leaders of corporations.
The old expression " power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely " is so true in many areas in life. The real trick is getting average JW's to see the hypocrisy. Many of them will give old Tony the benefit of the doubt, even though if the tables were switched, he would have their backs against the wall counseling them in a back room if they did the same thing. I think that's the thing that sticks in my craw and bothers me the most- the hypocrisy. Thanks for your great thread ! Much appreciated ! Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper