DREARYWEATHER- Your argument doesn't hold much validity. You state that " I learned a valuable lesson from Ray Franz from Crisis of Conscience. He said that while the Governing Body was collectively wrong on many points, he greatly esteemed and admired Lyman Swingle, the GB member. Lyman was a very good man. "
OK fine, I agree Lyman was a good man. I was good friends with the former board member Farkel ( now deceased ) who at one time dated Lyman Swingle's daughter and he said the same thing " Lyman Swingle was a good man. "
Still, that DOES NOT excuse the majority of the WT Society Governing Body's horrific child abuse policies, no blood transfusion policies costing thousands of JW's their life, the shunning of families through disfellowshipping, and deceiving JW's into thinking any day now the shoes gonna drop and the end of the world's coming at Armageddon,another lie to keep them in fear.
If you asked Ray Franz if he felt all the other Governing Body members that kicked him out of the organization were " good men " - I bet he'd beg to differ. For the most part my comments about Jehovah's Witnesses not being concerned for non-JW's or " worldly " people was and is TOTALLY accurate. Just look at how the WT Society is only concerned about JW's and their welfare when natural disasters occur. WT leaders couldn't give a rat's ass about what happens to non-JW's or " worldly " people in disasters. The way they have responded to these disasters in the past PROVES this.
I agree there are the individual , rare cases of JW's like Lyman Swingle who treat other non-JW's fairly, but JW's like him were and are in the minority. They are self serving mind controlled cult members who only look out for their own people who are baptized and " approved " by the WT Society. 90 % to 95 % of the time.
How do I know ? I lived it, breathed it, experienced the hypocrisy from birth until age 44 when I finally extricated myself from and escaped this selfish JW organization. So don't even start to think you can tell me that the negative abuse I received in the JW cult was all in my mind. Because you're wrong. It was real, not only for me but thousands others who've exited this organization. Peace out, Mr. Flipper