Minimus- You're ridiculous. Have to hurl slings and arrows about someone's intelligence, just like Trump, huh ? Boy, you are a Trump cult member, aren't you ? Jeez. Not going to lower myself to that standard. Take care , Peace out, Mr. Flipper
JoinedPosts by flipper
Trump Urges Ukraine and China To Investigate Joe Biden and His Son
by minimus inlol, president trump is clearly putting it out that he’s not too scared of impeachment..
Trump Urges Ukraine and China To Investigate Joe Biden and His Son
by minimus inlol, president trump is clearly putting it out that he’s not too scared of impeachment..
Minimus- 8 years of Obama was a hell of a lot better than not quite 3 years of Mr. Dump, er I mean Trump.
Minimus. Wake up and smell the coffee. How did the mid term elections turn out for the Republican party in November 2018 ? Not good. They lost a hell of a lot of seats. And why ? Drum roll please, Trumps insane policies. So your'e the pot calling the kettle black claiming that I or the Democratic party has lost credibility. If any party is going down the toilet, it's the Repbulican party right now, and these last 2 + years. Peace out music maestro .
Trump Urges Ukraine and China To Investigate Joe Biden and His Son
by minimus inlol, president trump is clearly putting it out that he’s not too scared of impeachment..
" Flipper is a flaming liberal. Now what ? "
Trump's a flaming criminal. Now what ? He gets impeached.
Trump Urges Ukraine and China To Investigate Joe Biden and His Son
by minimus inlol, president trump is clearly putting it out that he’s not too scared of impeachment..
Minimus- Nope. Talkin ' about your cult leader Trump. You guys are getting conned again. Guess once wasn't enough for some folks here. Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Trump Urges Ukraine and China To Investigate Joe Biden and His Son
by minimus inlol, president trump is clearly putting it out that he’s not too scared of impeachment..
Simon- I'm not in the wrong whatsoever. The right wing fanatics in the USA are wrong for allowing Mr. Trump to constantly attempt to destroy democracy in this country by enabling and enriching himself at the typical American's expense. He's looks out for himself, not his country. Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Trump Urges Ukraine and China To Investigate Joe Biden and His Son
by minimus inlol, president trump is clearly putting it out that he’s not too scared of impeachment..
Trump's like a deer in the headlights right now, trying to save his own hide. And throw anybody else under the bus coming at him. But the big semi truck is coming- and it's called impeachment. Peace out, Mr. Flipper
AP Article: Jehovah's Witnesses ask court to reverse $35M abuse verdict
by AndersonsInfo injehovah's witnesses ask court to reverse $35m abuse verdict.
by the associated press.
posted sep 13, 2019 12:34 pm pdt.
" The elders expelled the abuser from the congregation in 2004 THEN REINSTATED HIM THE NEXT YEAR, the lawsuit states, AND THE ABUSE OF THE YOUNGER VICTIM CONTINUED. "
Bingo. And the words I capitalized are why this judgment should NOT be reversed.
Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Were you or someone you know sexually molested by a Jehovah's Witness ?
by flipper indue to the fact there are about 27,000 members of this religion that are known pedophiles, and the information about it is kept in a secret database file, i wonder how many lurking jw's as well as others are aware of the severity of this problem?
remember, it's 27,000 pedophiles that they know about.
what about the thousands that don't get caught?
Considering the fact that the WT Society is being exposed as an organization in the news quite a bit lately as being complicit with pedophiles by not insisting justice be done by police authorities by failing to instruct elders to report such child abuse to these authorities- thought it would be good to bump this thread back up to let folks who have experienced child sex abuse or knew of child sex abuse within the JW organization a place to vent and express their thoughts and experiences. Feel free to vent, take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Greenland For Sale
by Poztate inthe donald has recently suggested that he would like to look into buying greenland from denmark in the same manner that alaska was purchased from the russians.
i think the danes would be smart to look into selling it as it is costing them money every year with very little returns for their investments so far.. the alternative might well be that donald declares greenland a national security threat and invades them so that the world remains safe for democracy.
i would suggest to the danes that as any other real estate transaction that they put it on the open market and see how much russia or china are willing to offer .
What Vicini said to Andre the giant in the movie Princess Bride is what folks should be saying to Donald Trump if he wants Greenland so badly :
Jehovah's Witnesses's cover up of Child Abuse subject of NBC News Special in Sacramento California.
by Balaamsass2 inkudos to the members of this group whose tireless work got this in-depth news special into every living room within 60 miles of the california capitol.
every top cop, prosecutor, and lawmakers aid was exposed to the dark side of watchtower.
my phone has been ringing........
Hey Balaamsass ! Thanks for the heads up the other day on the JW child abuse series . I thought it was going to be a 5 part series, but I've found only 3 parts online. My wife and I saw parts 1 , 2, and 3. And I received a newspaper link from San Francisco in regards to this same " Silent No More " series.
I'll go ahead and post the links for part 2 and part 3, which aired on Tuesday & Wednesday night , and I'll post the San Francisco newspaper article which goes into a lot of detail about these 13 victims and the whole entirety of what's going on with this WT Society child abuse scene right now.
So here are the links for anyone wanting to see :