Thank you all for the warm welcome. It is more than I can say for my own congregation,who I dont think even notices that I am not there except when they are counting their numbers at the end of the month or year. I did get a call the other day..not to see how I was but to let me know that the memorial was next week and I SHOULD be there. I am really just sick of not being able to be my own person. I have always just been catagorized as a jw..not a person with her own thoughts and feelings. I have missed out on so much of my life by being part of this. I feel like I should be able to rejoice and celebrate the days my children were born. To me those were the happiest days of my life. It breaks my heart to see my kids faces when their friends at school invite them to their parties and they cant go. I just need to get up enough guts to stand up to everyone and be my own person. Which I am sure most of you know is easier said then done.
JoinedPosts by lost&confused
To all JW lurkers
by Junction-Guy inperhaps you have been reading this board for awhile, and you may believe some of the things we have been saying, however you are still gripped in fear of armageddon.. .
the wt society has been predicting armageddon for well over 100 years, and when the prophecies fail, they blame you and say "we never said that".
if i can impart any words of wisdom to you, it's just this:.
To all JW lurkers
by Junction-Guy inperhaps you have been reading this board for awhile, and you may believe some of the things we have been saying, however you are still gripped in fear of armageddon.. .
the wt society has been predicting armageddon for well over 100 years, and when the prophecies fail, they blame you and say "we never said that".
if i can impart any words of wisdom to you, it's just this:.
Hello. I admit I am a lurker. I finally got up the courage to register and post.Athough being told that I shouldnt read or be involved with any of this. I will give you some history of myself.I have been a JW since childhood and now have children of my own. I cant help feeling lately that I have been Duped for most of my life. Now that I am an adult and am thinking on my own I see some cracks in the truth. My biggest reason for not questioning things sooner is fear of losing my parents again. I was Df'd a while back for being with my husband before he was my husband. But I went back basically to get my family back.I dont know where I am going with this but I basically just want to say that you people here have answered more questions for me than any one else. And although I feel guilty about being here I do feel better at the same time,,,,does that make sense? Well I guess you can guess why my name is lost%confused :)