The Roman Catholic Church does not despise the religion of Jehovahs Witnesses in many cases they do/did give credit to the evangelical zeal of the JW`s in promoting their faith and also acknowledging how effective the JW`s have been in making inroads among the catholic populations..
My brother in-law is /was a lay precher in the RC religion and he has written some articles and other publications about JW`s as well as some other religions.
We used to have lenghty discussions about religion in the first 10 years of my baptism. As NJWS says they have always been respectful of JW beliefs , believing them to be misguided.
They have never been hateful to the religion or any of its adherants. in my experience.
And that`s how my brother in-law viewed me and treated me
He is still a born and bred catholic and I am now an atheist.