Kpop , you are young but you dont have to be foolish , please think it through. Take notice of the overall advice given by mature people here.and dont do anything you will come to regret.
Posts by smiddy
Looking forward to going to Memorial this year!
by kpop ini have some tricks to play.
i know it may sound childish but i feel that creating havoc and forcing the memorial to be postponed will be the highlight of the night!
wish me luck!.
New Letter from the GB
by Coded Logic indear brothers and sisters,.
it has come to our attention that many you, especially in the developed world, have chosen to outfit your homes with artificial lighting.
while there is nothing wrong with husbands wishing to see more clearly while studying - or for sisters to want to add some extra lighting when cleaning the home - we need to be careful how we choose to use this technology.
I love your logic coded
by David_Jay inas most of you know there has been a rise in antisemitism in the world as of late, especially in the united states where i live where many of our jewish community centers and schools have been subjected to bomb threats.
around the world many jewish cemeteries have been vandalized too.. while i have left the forum earlier this year due to a need to move on with my own healing path (and realizing this forum is doing quite well with the many bright minds already among the crowd), i have briefly returned mainly to write this note of gratitude (though i did post a few times too while i have been here).. it has been touching and very helpful when muslims, christians, and people of other faiths have stood with those of us in the jewish community to protest this wave of hostility against my people.
there have been many public displays of solidarity with us against these acts of hatred and prejudice and some personal notes from friends letting me know i am not alone.. some of you have been among those who have voiced your concern for me and other jews during this time.
I too have appreciated your input david as a Jew who has given "the people of the Bible" perspective .
I may be wrong here but the jews must be the only people/race that have been consistently persecuted since recorded history began ? some 6000 years ?
I cant think of any people who have been subjected to such sustained persecution in recorded history as the jewish people.
It beggars my belief how any Jew can still believe in a GOD knowing what went on in Nazi Germany .
My 33 years as a JW has convinced me to be an atheist ,But thats just me.
I hope you still contribute from time to time ,dont leave this site entirely as you would be surely missed.
Take care buddy
Book That Helped Me - My Recommended Reading List
by doubtfull1799 inthese are the books that led to my awakening:.
the art of thinking clearly - rolf dobelli.
how to defend the christian faith: advice from an evolutionist - john w.loftus.
Holy crap doubtfull1799 ,i`m impressed ,you have read all of those books ? over how many years ? I think I could put my name to three and that was enough to convince me LOL
However thanks for the list should I want to delve further , and for giving others/lurkers/newbies , some food for thought.
Take care cobber.
What is the basis for advising “Don’t pursue higher studies”?
by venus intwo elders who visited my friend last week encouraged her not to pursue higher studies.
it seems they are dishing out the same old stuff: “the end is imminent, and this is the time to do more in the service; hence don’t waste your resources on higher studies.”.
i wonder whether there was some official communiqué (something that is sent out recently like letter to the elders, or kingdom ministry article …).
WiFi , that doesnt open up where I am.
Whats been said previously , I agree with , that education means you use your own brain and dont just follow what other people tell you to think or to believe.
When you use your own brain that God gave you to use with higher education you gain critical thinking and the realisation that JW`s are nothing more than a mind controlling cult to keep you entrapped in the cult.
"Those Who Leave Are Doomed..."
by AllTimeJeff inin mission impossible 3, ethan hunt (aka tom cruise) and his protege (aka keri russell) have an explosive pellet implanted in their heads through their nose by the bad guys as a way to control them.
the only way to to stop it from detonating is to use a defibrillator or some device to send massive electric shocks to the body, thus short circuiting the deadly implant.
hunt's protege doesn't get the help she needed in time, and she dies.
Well said ATJ,when i think back it took me quite a few years to finally shake the shackles that I had being a JW.
You dont lose the effects of years of indoctrination overnight ,it takes time to break free of the mindset imposed on you.
And my wife , it took quite a few years for her to clear her mind that when you leave the religion you lose your morals and will commit immorality.
We have both been out over 20+ years and retained our morals Its a furphy to think you need religion to have morals.
Sadly , some leave the religion but the religion never leaves them and it doesnt bid well for them .
I`m sorry you experienced that ATJ
Which is worse according to the GB: Child Abuse or Apostasy??
by stuckinarut2 inso we all know how the organization conducts itself regarding child abuse.
the multitude of legal cases worldwide including the current australian royal commission as well as anecdotal accounts prove their attitude.. perpetrators have not been reported to authorities, and data bases of such have been kept sealed even when demanded by the courts!.
however, when it comes to those of us who have simply left the organization due to learning the truth, the society spares no effort in spreading gossip and ensuring that one's name and reputation is ruined.. so gb, which crime is worse?
I think officially and theoretically they are both considered abhorrent, neither one is worse than the other. However in practice, they are obviously much more pro-active & strict when dealing with apostasy, so that probably reveals the truth of the matter if we believe actions speak louder than words?
So they fear the amount of apostates making themselves known on the internet and social media more than they do the child sexual abuse claims made against the WT /JW religion .
They can buy off claims of child sexuall abuse with settlements but they cant shut the mouths of those speaking out in social media.and sites like this.
Thank you for the internet for all those involved .
JWs Like to Take Away Hope...
by JW_Rogue ini think the worst thing about jws is that they like to take away peoples realistic hopes for a happy life now and replace it with false hope for the future.
tell a jw you want to go college and get a good career and they'll tell you that college is a waste of time, that you'll end up in debt or that the economy is so bad there are no jobs.
tell a jw about how scientists have discovered a new technology that could improve millions of lives and they'll tell you that scientists and technology have "ruined the earth" and cannot be trusted.
But yes Spoletta they have no trouble in taking advantage of all the programmes that are available to them by the government depending on where you live on the earth ,here in Australia they take advantage of the dole , (money to live on before you can get a job ) free medicine or susidised medicine.,And many JW`s have no intention of getting a job while they are pioneering.And the Government pays for it.
Oh thats right its theocratic warefare take advantage of your opponents generosity .and exploit it.
Convention program 2017 AM3
by George One Time in
why would our beloved gb member be on the top picture of the program?.
any ideas?.
Boy...back in the day personal glorification was a total no no...everything had to be done with they love to flash their pompous arses all over their private club media......tiki
So true OUTLAW
,Does any of the older generation see how far the religion of Jehovahs Witnesses have deviated from their roots ?
Arent they just becoming like the TV evangelists they used to condenm ?
The mixture of Christ and Jehovah in this Convention program is confusing ! scriptures using Christ Jesus in the New Testament are valid however their are no scriptures in the new testament that use the name Jehovah , certainly not in the word for word translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures published by the WTB&TS
which does not contain the four consonants of JHVH anywhere in the said text., therefore the name Jehovah should not appear theirin .
So is this Convention program of 2017 a farce ? A convention that is designed to manipulate the gullible ?
Just saying , you decide .
Looking for my little sister.
by DeadmanWalking ini have a little sister havnt seen or heard from in 20 years she was da for attending a church she was 17 at the time she moved out and lived with a family not jw's in fact they are very a posed to jw's the past 20 years i've tried to make contact she won't respond all i know is she's got kids 2 or 3 of them she lives outside charlotte nc and works for a insurance company as an underwriter.
i think her husband is a police officer ?
being back in her life having a niece or nephew to watch grow up would be nice.
This is a very heart wrenching post DMW , it just empathises how the JW religion breaks up families .
I hope you have success in finding your "little" sister and you have a genuine loving reunion
And whats more important I think is that she respects your attempts to contact her with no strings attached just to be family again even after so many years have passed.
However after so long a time has passed she may think why bother now .And if that is her decision you need to respect that .
I hope you both find a resolve in this.