If Spinks and O`Brien are the best 2 witnesses to front the ARC then the WT/JW religion needs all the help it can get from the God they worship. Ps 115:4-8 , JW.ORG .
Posts by smiddy
ARC Case Study 54 - Witness List published for 10 March 2017
by jwleaks inhttp://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/case-study/10908a67-70c5-4103-94cc-dac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney.
ARC Live Streaming site ?
by Gayle inwhat is the exact live streaming site for the arc today in sydney?
i hope someone or more here will be watching and giving info/quips throughout the case.
also, will someone here or elsewhere be able to 'save' a video of this (all or part).
Jwfacts ,that was priceless , those judges must be thinking what planet are these people on.
Unbelievable , the mind boggles.
Over 1100 people from all over the world were critical of the WT`s handling of child sexual abuse that QC Angus Stewart commented on.
The ARC were dissapointed that the GB of the WTB&TS refused to send a GB member to front the ARC.
Spinks and O`Brien are obviously way out of their depth in responding to the ARC they just come across as so inept .
Study Case 54 ARC YouTube Videos
by LevelThePlayingField inedit: first link the sound dropped off for no apparent reason.
this link works.
The sound in pt2 is very low I had trouble hearing it and gave up.
But thanks for trying maybe its just my PC
ARC Case Study 54 - Witness List published for 10 March 2017
by jwleaks inhttp://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/case-study/10908a67-70c5-4103-94cc-dac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney.
How do they respond to an allegation of a JW sexually abusing a child in the congregation where their are no two witnesses to substantiate the claim ,so no action is taken by the congregation and their is no reporting of the claim to either police or child protection authorities.
Because no two witnesses were present at the time of the alleged offence does not mean it did not occur.
The alleged perpetrator is still allowed to participate in the D2D ministry that is proscribed as an activity that denotes one as a JW. in good standing.
What safegaurds are in place to protect the children in the general community when an alleged sexual perpetrator is still allowed to go from D2D where children may be at home on their own while the parents may be out.?
Shouldnt every person who goes from D2D have a working with children check and not just Elders and Ministerial servants ?
Isnt a lay person ( a Rank and file person JW speak ) capable of molesting a child ?
fromBarbara Anderson/charities commission child abuse inquiry UK
by zeb injehovah’s witnesses “child safeguarding policy” (great britain, ireland, uk) – 2017. analysis of the child safeguarding policy of jehovah’s witnesses in the united kingdom and the republic of ireland [2017].
by barbara anderson.
2013’s “watch tower bible and tract society of britain and congregations of jehovah’s witnesses in the united kingdom and ireland child safeguarding policy” (wtb&ts of britain’s csp) document was considered to be the official watch tower policy until the release on january 1 of the 2017 “child safeguarding policy of jehovah’s witnesses in the united kingdom, etc.,” (csp of jws in the uk).”.
I wonder why Vincent Toole `s name wasnt their .? or G .Jackson , the GB member ?. Are other witnesses likely to be asked to appear at a later date ?
One thing (among many others) that I am interested in is how do they respond to an allegation of child sexual abuse by a JW member and their are no 2 witnesses to the allegation and it is not reported to either the police or child protection authorities and that person is still allowed to participate in the D2D ministry where children in the general community are at risk ?.
What safegaurds are in place to protect children in the general community when an alleged perpetrator is still allowed to go D2D where children may be at home on their own when their parents are out.?
"You know that the Memorial is April 11 right?"
by stuckinarut2 inah, yes, so mid-way through a conversation about work, a family member just had to say "oh, you know the memorial is tuesday april 11, so i guess you will have to schedule your work so you can make it right?".
i simply said "oh is it?
" and then went back to what we were talking about.. has anyone else had the pressure to attend put on them?.
Well now I know the memorial is on Tuesday April 11th so I must make sure I have other plans for that evening.
CoCo , you were asked to leave the memorial ? As a brother in good standing I can understand you being crushed .
Do you care to elaborate ? I`m curious ( it couldnt have been because of your prose surely ) LOL
Looking forward to going to Memorial this year!
by kpop ini have some tricks to play.
i know it may sound childish but i feel that creating havoc and forcing the memorial to be postponed will be the highlight of the night!
wish me luck!.
Kpop , you are young but you dont have to be foolish , please think it through. Take notice of the overall advice given by mature people here.and dont do anything you will come to regret.
New Letter from the GB
by Coded Logic indear brothers and sisters,.
it has come to our attention that many you, especially in the developed world, have chosen to outfit your homes with artificial lighting.
while there is nothing wrong with husbands wishing to see more clearly while studying - or for sisters to want to add some extra lighting when cleaning the home - we need to be careful how we choose to use this technology.
I love your logic coded
by David_Jay inas most of you know there has been a rise in antisemitism in the world as of late, especially in the united states where i live where many of our jewish community centers and schools have been subjected to bomb threats.
around the world many jewish cemeteries have been vandalized too.. while i have left the forum earlier this year due to a need to move on with my own healing path (and realizing this forum is doing quite well with the many bright minds already among the crowd), i have briefly returned mainly to write this note of gratitude (though i did post a few times too while i have been here).. it has been touching and very helpful when muslims, christians, and people of other faiths have stood with those of us in the jewish community to protest this wave of hostility against my people.
there have been many public displays of solidarity with us against these acts of hatred and prejudice and some personal notes from friends letting me know i am not alone.. some of you have been among those who have voiced your concern for me and other jews during this time.
I too have appreciated your input david as a Jew who has given "the people of the Bible" perspective .
I may be wrong here but the jews must be the only people/race that have been consistently persecuted since recorded history began ? some 6000 years ?
I cant think of any people who have been subjected to such sustained persecution in recorded history as the jewish people.
It beggars my belief how any Jew can still believe in a GOD knowing what went on in Nazi Germany .
My 33 years as a JW has convinced me to be an atheist ,But thats just me.
I hope you still contribute from time to time ,dont leave this site entirely as you would be surely missed.
Take care buddy
Book That Helped Me - My Recommended Reading List
by doubtfull1799 inthese are the books that led to my awakening:.
the art of thinking clearly - rolf dobelli.
how to defend the christian faith: advice from an evolutionist - john w.loftus.
Holy crap doubtfull1799 ,i`m impressed ,you have read all of those books ? over how many years ? I think I could put my name to three and that was enough to convince me LOL
However thanks for the list should I want to delve further , and for giving others/lurkers/newbies , some food for thought.
Take care cobber.