How do they respond to an allegation of a JW sexually abusing a child in the congregation where their are no two witnesses to substantiate the claim ,so no action is taken by the congregation and their is no reporting of the claim to either police or child protection authorities.
Because no two witnesses were present at the time of the alleged offence does not mean it did not occur.
The alleged perpetrator is still allowed to participate in the D2D ministry that is proscribed as an activity that denotes one as a JW. in good standing.
What safegaurds are in place to protect the children in the general community when an alleged sexual perpetrator is still allowed to go from D2D where children may be at home on their own while the parents may be out.?
Shouldnt every person who goes from D2D have a working with children check and not just Elders and Ministerial servants ?
Isnt a lay person ( a Rank and file person JW speak ) capable of molesting a child ?