The questions you ask a JW will fall on deaf ears because they are indoctrinated not to question JW beliefs about the bible.
Your questions didnt originate from the GB , so they just dont compute.
Its like the meetings of JW`s the GB write the questions and the GB write the answers and the R&F are just expected to parrot those Q&A`s ( and they do )
They are conditioned not to think or use their reason.they will obfuscate the question to cloud the issue and throw you off track.
Some time back I used the scriptures to prove the 2 witness rule from the scriptures proved that a generation amounted to about 50 years using three bible scriptures that all said the same thing.Luke 3:23-38 ,Mat.24:34 ,
Mat.1:17,18 .simply by counting the generations listed by the time span involved and you come to a ball park figure of 50 years ,this is 3 witness (bible) accounts that should settle the matter.
However their is more.: Their are other bible scriptures that refer to a generation and generations that the WTB&TS do NOT apply the overlapping generation principle.
Sorry if I have strayed from the topic somewhat but the 2-3 witness rule got to me.yet even then the Bible 2-3 witness rule is not set in stone their are exceptions in the Bible where it does not apply as has been borne out by other posters previously.