At least these other religions have a history about their places /pilgrimage going back hundreds of years or even thousands of years in some cases and we are not just talking about christianity .
Jehovahs Witnesses have no history they can truly relate too why ? because they keep changing their history with revisions ,they have nothing historical to fall back on .All of their past is now classed as old light and discarded.
They are nothing but an opportunistic religion trying to cash in on the moment.
Why would any JW in their right mind want to go and look at what is Warwick where the priviledged work and live at the expense of gullible people who have payed for it with their contributions .
And what is it really ? a publishing house selling an end ot times message that numerous religions are doing all over the world. Nothing new here , move on.
Oh, hang on, do they have a display of all the literature they have published for the past 100+ years ? I hope so , because it just empathises what false prophets they are with all their failed prophetic expectations and eventualities that didnt eventuate and how they now disown all the interpretations that are contained in those publications as old light and not to be believed now otherwise you will be disfellowshipped .
Its funny how in the "Truth" of Jehovahs Witnesses " Truth" that was believed in the past is no longer "Truth " in the present
I was always under the impression that "Truth" was "truth" in the past , in the present and in the future "Truth" never changes .