Simply because people believe God helps them doesnt make it so.
The world is full of people who believe in
God who answers their prayers ,it is also full of people who believe in God who dont get answers to their prayers
Shouldnt that question be answered by God now after more than 6000 years on earth ?
Or are the JW`s going back to their belief which I think they discarded some time back that a creative day is 6 thousand years long ?
And we are now approching the seventh 1000years ,didnt that occur in 1975 ?.previously believed and taught in the late 1800`s
Wasnt JC King of the jews in 33CE?
Wasnt JC enthroned in 1914 as King ?
Didnt his 1000 year reign start then and why not ?
And how is it that Christendom
Is his 1000 year rule future ? yet to start ?
Is he King of the Jews or not ?
or is he KING of Kings and Lord of Lords now or not ?
And how is it that Christendom has laid all the groundwork these past 2000 years spreading christianity worldwide in the known world and made the Bible available to the bulk of humanity the average person in their own language , surely this couldnt have been accomplished without Gods blessing ?
And then in this latter days JW`s spring up and claim all this is wrong ?Demote Jesus Exult Jehovah ,change the christian doctrine to conform with their pre-concieved belifs that overturn all christian princilples following in the footsteps of their predecessors and planting a new doctrine.claiming they alone have the "truth"
How presumptiousness on their part.