Could it be 10% goes to the worldwide work and 90% goes to pay off child sex abuse victims.? around the world ?
After all their are a lot of countries where current law suits are in progress against Jehovah`s Witnesses for child sexual abuse .
oh manipulative, especially for young ones.. first prize goes to whoever can state the one aspect of society expenditure that this video fails to mention!.
Could it be 10% goes to the worldwide work and 90% goes to pay off child sex abuse victims.? around the world ?
After all their are a lot of countries where current law suits are in progress against Jehovah`s Witnesses for child sexual abuse .
all exhibits for case study 54, jehovah's witnesses and watchtower, have been released by the arc..,-march-2017,-sydney.
exhibit list.
joint statement of o'brien and spinks.
I have bookmarked this page for future reference
jehovah’s witnesses refuse to change two-witness rule because ‘that’s our stand’.
The two witness rule is just another case of JW`s cherry picking scriptures to differentiate themselves from the rest of Christendom when in fact the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) has exceptions to the rule.
i was raised in the religion and for the most part believed that my religion was truth.
i recognized some mistakes were occasionally made but felt that nobody is perfect.
then i smartened up and realized how dumb so many of the beliefs are....was there ever a time that you truly believed you had the "truth"?.
My wife and I converted when I was 19 and she was 16 before we got married, We were both true believers to the point where we stayed in it for the next 33 years, Vacation pioneered I was a MS (never wanted the responsibility of being an Elder)
So yes we were tru believers.
And it took a few more years to finally shake off some of the indoctrinated beliefs that we had.
I remember when I first started coming onto sites like this and hearing about the UN saga and I thought BS they would never do that ,using cows blood in medical procedures BS they would never use that ,fractions of blood BS they would never do that .
But guess what , it is all true
sometimes theists challenge atheists about what evidence would be required before they would believe.
various unlikely scenarios are offered in reply.
i have taken the bait myself in the past.. i think the correct answer is much more ordinary.
Simply because people believe God helps them doesnt make it so.
The world is full of people who believe in
God who answers their prayers ,it is also full of people who believe in God who dont get answers to their prayers
Shouldnt that question be answered by God now after more than 6000 years on earth ?
Or are the JW`s going back to their belief which I think they discarded some time back that a creative day is 6 thousand years long ?
And we are now approching the seventh 1000years ,didnt that occur in 1975 ?.previously believed and taught in the late 1800`s
Wasnt JC King of the jews in 33CE?
Wasnt JC enthroned in 1914 as King ?
Didnt his 1000 year reign start then and why not ?
And how is it that Christendom
Is his 1000 year rule future ? yet to start ?
Is he King of the Jews or not ?
or is he KING of Kings and Lord of Lords now or not ?
And how is it that Christendom has laid all the groundwork these past 2000 years spreading christianity worldwide in the known world and made the Bible available to the bulk of humanity the average person in their own language , surely this couldnt have been accomplished without Gods blessing ?
And then in this latter days JW`s spring up and claim all this is wrong ?Demote Jesus Exult Jehovah ,change the christian doctrine to conform with their pre-concieved belifs that overturn all christian princilples following in the footsteps of their predecessors and planting a new doctrine.claiming they alone have the "truth"
How presumptiousness on their part.
jws re-name things so they seem like they are different than other religions.
(of course we know they are different but that's another story).
i was just thinking about those things where they are like most everyone else in christendom but the re-name it to seem different.. for example god forbid they have a church, it's a "kingdom hall".. they don't have pastors and deacons they have "elders" and "ministerial servants".. they don't have tithing but they will have family heads fill out a paper saying how much they can contribute on a monthly basis (not sure if there is a name for that...unless it's tithing.
JW`s are true Christians : all other religions christian and otherwise are part of "Babylon the Great" false religion.
In newspapers local and otherwise that list Religious Services in a locality you will not see a listing by Jehovahs Witnesses among other christian churches,why? because they want to exlude themselves from any association with false religion " babylon the Great".
Funny then how they have no problem whatsoever in selling Kingdom Halls of Jehovahs Witnesses to"Babylon the great" False religion which they have done time and time again over the decades
I suppose money overides Christian principles.
it just struck me while reading another post on the forum.
the catholics have numerous shrines all over the world and places of pilgrimage and the mother of them all ... rome.
the muslims have mecca and medina.
At least these other religions have a history about their places /pilgrimage going back hundreds of years or even thousands of years in some cases and we are not just talking about christianity .
Jehovahs Witnesses have no history they can truly relate too why ? because they keep changing their history with revisions ,they have nothing historical to fall back on .All of their past is now classed as old light and discarded.
They are nothing but an opportunistic religion trying to cash in on the moment.
Why would any JW in their right mind want to go and look at what is Warwick where the priviledged work and live at the expense of gullible people who have payed for it with their contributions .
And what is it really ? a publishing house selling an end ot times message that numerous religions are doing all over the world. Nothing new here , move on.
Oh, hang on, do they have a display of all the literature they have published for the past 100+ years ? I hope so , because it just empathises what false prophets they are with all their failed prophetic expectations and eventualities that didnt eventuate and how they now disown all the interpretations that are contained in those publications as old light and not to be believed now otherwise you will be disfellowshipped .
Its funny how in the "Truth" of Jehovahs Witnesses " Truth" that was believed in the past is no longer "Truth " in the present
I was always under the impression that "Truth" was "truth" in the past , in the present and in the future "Truth" never changes .
well new to me anyway, i'm sure someone smarter than me has thought of this before.
the next time i get asked the perennial (and tired old) question: “but you do believe that the gb are god’s channel of communication, the organisation he is using, don’t you?” or some variation thereof, i am going to reply with two verses and reason as follows:.
the matter to be established: have the gb of jehovah’s witnesses received divine appointment to act as god’s representatives and channel of communication on earth?.
The questions you ask a JW will fall on deaf ears because they are indoctrinated not to question JW beliefs about the bible.
Your questions didnt originate from the GB , so they just dont compute.
Its like the meetings of JW`s the GB write the questions and the GB write the answers and the R&F are just expected to parrot those Q&A`s ( and they do )
They are conditioned not to think or use their reason.they will obfuscate the question to cloud the issue and throw you off track.
Some time back I used the scriptures to prove the 2 witness rule from the scriptures proved that a generation amounted to about 50 years using three bible scriptures that all said the same thing.Luke 3:23-38 ,Mat.24:34 ,
Mat.1:17,18 .simply by counting the generations listed by the time span involved and you come to a ball park figure of 50 years ,this is 3 witness (bible) accounts that should settle the matter.
However their is more.: Their are other bible scriptures that refer to a generation and generations that the WTB&TS do NOT apply the overlapping generation principle.
Sorry if I have strayed from the topic somewhat but the 2-3 witness rule got to me.yet even then the Bible 2-3 witness rule is not set in stone their are exceptions in the Bible where it does not apply as has been borne out by other posters previously.
hey there.. if this point has been covered before please forgive me.. i have had the principles of noahs flood used by jw's to encourage me to attend meetings recently and this has got me musing about the flood....again.. genesis states that a river flowed from eden and branched out into four rivers, two of which being the tigris and the euphrates.. heres the baffling part; if it had never rained before, how is it that rivers existed before the flood?!!?.
a brief google search tells us that the euphrates begins its journey as snow melt and rain ( as most rivers do) in mountains in turkey.. ecc chapter 1 mentions the water cycle and describes the rivers flowing into the sea but the sea not becoming full.
how did it work pre-flood?
waton ,the bible says " a mist would go up from the earth and it watered the entire surface of the ground" Gen2:6
? how does a mist rise up from the earth ? as the previous verse 5 says that it had never rained before and that their was no vegetation to be found so where did the mist come from ?
jws re-name things so they seem like they are different than other religions.
(of course we know they are different but that's another story).
i was just thinking about those things where they are like most everyone else in christendom but the re-name it to seem different.. for example god forbid they have a church, it's a "kingdom hall".. they don't have pastors and deacons they have "elders" and "ministerial servants".. they don't have tithing but they will have family heads fill out a paper saying how much they can contribute on a monthly basis (not sure if there is a name for that...unless it's tithing.
Wasn`t it Terry O`Brien @ the ARC who didnt understand the word or meaning of pastoral ?