You have a point or two their waton,what can i say .?
Posts by smiddy
here's a great jw brain stumper about noah
by nowwhat? inso noah was a preacher of righteousness.
than how did he warn other pockets of civilizations that were hundreds or thousands of miles away?
and if they were destroyed anyway i thought jehovah only acts after he gives clear warning.. and if there were no other civilzations why the need to destroy the entire earth of every living creature?
ARC - Case Study 54 - All Exhibits have been released
by jwleaks inall exhibits for case study 54, jehovah's witnesses and watchtower, have been released by the arc..,-march-2017,-sydney.
exhibit list.
joint statement of o'brien and spinks.
Correct me if I am wrong but the WTB&TS do not have one comprehensive document covering the allegations and response to child sexual abuse from the organisation that Elders and the rank and file have access to when they feel the need to review it ?
As was painfully brought out by the Jehovahs witnesses their was this "letter" this "memo" this "WT article" etc,etc,all coverering different time frames over many years , who could wade through all that confusing publications.? let alone a R&F member ?
here's a great jw brain stumper about noah
by nowwhat? inso noah was a preacher of righteousness.
than how did he warn other pockets of civilizations that were hundreds or thousands of miles away?
and if they were destroyed anyway i thought jehovah only acts after he gives clear warning.. and if there were no other civilzations why the need to destroy the entire earth of every living creature?
If the whole earth was under water covering the tallest mountains then it must have contained salt water covering the earth.
Water is very heavy and it must have penetrated the weakest parts of the earths surface..
Once the waters subsided we are left with salty seas ,freshwater lakes and streams,and underground streams of fresh water .
The Oceans are salt water , the rivers and streams and lakes are mostly freshwater .
The majority of life in the oceans would not survive in freshwater
By the same token the majority of life in freshwater lakes ,rivers and streams would not survive in salt water.
So if a Noachian flood did actually occur how would life have continued to exist in the oceans (salt) and the rivers ,lakes ,streams.(salt free) ?
Or am I missing something here.
Those pics put a smile on my face .
However one pic was missing , an LGBTI pic.
Can you accomodate ? or was that depicted by the Carnaval ,if so then how about a cult religion OH sorry they have already done that..
Part of Growing Up - Saying Goodbye to Invisible Friends?
by doubtfull1799 ini don’t remember having any invisible friends when i was a really little boy, i don’t know if such a thing actually exists, i’ve only ever seen it in movies?
of course it might have looked to others like i was talking to someone on occasions, but i’m sure it would have just been me talking to myself.
the thing is though, i got introduced to an invisible friend in my pre-teens, and i kept the relationship going well into adulthood.
I cant speak for young people ,I didnt become a JW and begin praying to God until I was 19 .
I was a JW for 33 years many of which I served as a MS
Prayer was always a one way street , nobody was more devoted to the truth than I was as an active JW .
I believed it hook line and sinker ,to the point I am now ashamed to admit I would have let my children die for the blood doctrine .
And i still have difficulties coming to terms with that now .
Millions of Christians pray to GOD whether its Jehovah or Jesus and to my knoweldge no GOD has ever answered anyone personally these past 2000 years ,
And I think that would also apply also to non Christian religions and their Gods no God has ever spoken back to them.
Isnt that proof enough that you have been speaking to an invisible friend ?
An invisible friend that doesnt bother to communicate back to you ?
An invisible friend that doesnt exist ? only in your imagination ?
A major misadventure!
by Bungi Bill inhi, everyone.. i haven't posted here much in quite a while, but having just been laid low by injury, i'll likely be a frequent visitor for some time to come!.
two weeks ago, i was involved in a workplace accident that left me with my lower l.h.
leg fractured in three places (the tibia and fibular both broken clean through, plus another crack in the "neck" of the fibular for good measure!
Bloody hell BB that sounds terrible what you went through .Your not a young guy anymore so take it easy and hopefully everything will work out alright in time.
take care
God’s name (Jehovah) is so ambiguous to the extent of even supporting The Theory of Evolution!
by venus inwe have been taught that the name jehovah means “he causes to become.” it is interpreted that he causes himself to become whatever needed to accomplish his will—as happened in the case israelites to whom he “caused himself to become” a savior leading them from slavery in egypt.. but there is a problem with this definition.
nobody would use the phrase “cause to become” with regard to himself.
one may say: “i helped him,” (but he won’t say: “i caused myself to become a helper to him.”) “causing myself to become a helper to another person” obviously implies helping nature comes with effort as though it is not in my nature.
Maybe its because their was not only one GOD who should take precedence over any other GOD,?
Gen : 3 22a "And JHVH/YHVH God went on to say "Here the man has become like one of us in knowing good and bad " in saying" like one of us" denotes he had peers , Gods equal to himself .
Child preachers -netflix
by smiddy innot sure if this has been covered before ,has anybody seen it ?
surely it would come under child abuse wouldnt it ?.
exploitation of minors for profit using religion as an excuse ?
Not sure if this has been covered before ,has anybody seen it ? Surely it would come under child abuse wouldnt it ?
Exploitation of minors for profit using religion as an excuse ? rationale ? Using children to appeal for money /donations ?
The program features Pentecostals to some extent and other religions I believe,
Children of a very, very young age preaching from a pulpit and its lapped up by the adults ? in the congregation.
Children so young they would have no idea what they are talking about., goaded on by their parents ,relatives and gaurdians.
And a very young child asking for donations for the LORDS work. (I wonder where that came from )
So while we rail against the wrongs of the WTB&TS their are appalling child abuse issues in other religious institutions
that societys , especially in the Western democratic nations need to address.
Just saying.
A woman's Heartfelt message to the Governing Body
by UnshackleTheChains ini just watched this lovely lady's heartfelt message to the governing body.
i hope that the men she named and all lurkers who have some clout at bethel listen to this message and stop this cruel and divisive shunning policy that has ruined so many family's around the world.
this is just one voice of many many people who feel this way about your (governing body) destructive policy.
I hope the ARC see`s this video and takes it into consideration .
Anybody with the knowhow to do it ?
It seems that many witnesses simply dont care about facts?
by stuckinarut2 ini often wonder if the current crop of witnesses, especially the youth and younger ones simply don't care about facts?.
i mean for some, even with knowledge of the past scandals, misleading teachings, mistruths, etc etc, they simply don't care.
"it is the truth after all".. they are so intertwined in the operations and activities of the society, that they cant see anything outside of it.
I`m not even sure a JW knows what a fact is ,it doesnt seem to be in their vocabulary .