I`m pretty damned sure Mr Putin will not be worrying about a letter writing campaign by JW`s
Posts by smiddy
Putin's critics beware
by Normalfulla inso just watching the news and just seen an article about a former mp who was a critic of putin and has been assassinated ,it mentioned others who had stood up to putin and received the effects of his long reaching arm , i wonder what he will think of all the letters he will be receiving shortly ?
Reasoned With A JW Yesterday
by pale.emperor inhad a great chat with a jw on my door yesterday.
girl 1: .... i dont think you would.
me: ________, and say hi to my uncle ________ for me.. girl 1: i will.
Well done PE win them over first with a few pleasantrys then hit them with some home truths.
JW Letter Writing Conspiracy
by freemindfade injust had a wild conspiracy theory.
get your tin hats everyone.
what if this mass letter writing is all a bethel conspiracy to increase declining service hours?
The instructions say the letters should be mailed no later than April 1.
These letters are an April fools joke on the JW`s if they think it will make a difference to Putin
incident going on in central london
by Ruby456 inunfolding now - could be terrorist.
Christians acknowledge that the Old Testament has practices that are way out of touch with todays norm.
And the Old Testaments punishments for sins and crimes are not applicable in todays society .
And the New Testament has put all the old testament behind it.
In Christianity no stonings ,no cutting off a limb and more barbaric acts ,etc.etc. that was practiced in the Old Testament .
In contrast :With Islam , the Muslim religion they still practice these barbaric acts with the blessing of the populace and Immans and whoever .Such as genital mutillation against young girls .
And it is only Muslims , people of Islam that are carrying out these attacks on western society.Nobody else.does.
Islam is still living in the day of centuries ago of Mahomedan with their barbaric practices and still applying them to our 21st century .
Islam and Muslims need to be forcibly brought into the 21st century and confront reality .
Though I wont hold my breath over that one.
Is time moving faster?
by Fisherman indo you get the feeling that time is moving faster?
what do you think?.
Cold Steel , I dont think that was a very loving thing he put his wife through .For her to come home read the note on the door and then find his body with a bullet hole in his head would be extremely traumatic for her.
He could have just OD on pills that would have looked more like a natural death and saved her the trauma of finding him the way she did.
just my 2 cents worth.
The Governing Body appear on Video to help The Organization but does not show up for The children.
by Buster k inwith mark sanderson appearing recently on jw to ask all the witnesses for there help on the russia ban.
it is a giant slap to the face of all the children and members who have been affected by this cult.
as the royal commission two weeks ago asked or requested if one of the governing body dudes could appear or even be online feed to the commission, but of course they said heck no.. .
A good post Buster K , however we all know here what the GB is more interested in and thats $$$$$$$$$$$$
incident going on in central london
by Ruby456 inunfolding now - could be terrorist.
The west is too soft and eventually it will be their downfall maybe not in my time but certainly in my sons time.
The Wests refusal to identify Islam as a threat to democracy will be their undoing.
And by bringing these people into their country`s (western nations) by the thousands is a time bomb waiting to explode in the future.
They are a fifth column movement biding their time to overthrow democracy in favour of a caliphate system.
So by their own literature they have condemned themselves
by charity7 injust looking at some literature my husband has when he goes out in the ministry.. "good new from god!
" booklet 2012 - .
ch 13 what is the good news about religion?.
The Catholic Church also abhors child sexual abuse as do all other institutions under investigation at the ARC in Australia.
No reputable mainstream church or institution condones child abuse sexual or otherwise.
However it has gone on and it has been covered up by many of these institutions including the JW organization as has been borne out by the ARC.
In the case of JW`s up to 3018 Elders on judicial committees dealing with child sexual abuse of children in the JW religion in the past 50-60 years not one Elder reported this crime to either the Appropiate child protection Authorities or to the Police .
These men are culpable for their inaction.
In my view they should be punished , but I wont hold my breath on that score.
Amazing Video, modern-day miracle: "Chairs for Thousands"
by neat blue dog ingod provides.
How come some had hard hats on and others didnt ?
Ones without HH trusted in Jehovah to protect them from injury
Ones with HH didnt have faith in Jehovah to protect them from injury
all I can say is the mind boggles .
Is time moving faster?
by Fisherman indo you get the feeling that time is moving faster?
what do you think?.
Of course time is getting faster , I`m living proof of that fact.
When I was a young kid every Xmas was like five years away.
When I was a teenager it came down to about 2years before the next one
Now that I`m in my 70`s the weeks last only about 2-3 days before the next week arrives .
If I live into my 90`s I`ll be living in the future and waiting for the past to catch up.
just saying.