Members of the United Nations should be monitoring the failings/wrongs / criminal activities ,abuses of children etc of organizations within their membership.
As regards Jehovahs Witnesses religion there are a number of ongoing cases dealing with child sexual abuses around the world.
Do these nations in the UN talk to each other ? Do they compare notes ?
if they did they would find that the religion of Jehovahs Witnesses fail dismally in protecting the children in their religion and even victimise them in some situations./circumstances.
country after country have found Jehovahs Witnesses wanting as far as protecting their children from abuse in their religious communities.
Spain ,America ,Australia ,the United Kingdom are just a few of the child sexual abuse claims before the courts at the present time.against the religion of Jehovahs Witnesses .
And that is just the tip of the iceberg.
When you do wrong or allow wrongdoing to go on under your watch and you become accountabile to that and are punished accordingly you cant then play the persecution card.and expect to get away with it.
Yet that seems to be the policy of the GB of JW`s