" Marry only in the Lord ? How many failed marriages of jehovahs witnesses do you know of in your circle of friends .I think I have run out of fingers and toes to count from 1960 till now of so many failed marriages in the so called "truth"
Two within my own family.
And the reasons are just as diversified as any in the real world....Infidelity ,Incompatability ,etc,etc,
So ,are JW`s any more moral than worldly people ?....No ,because of the above reasons.
Do they have a better record of marriage success than worldly people ? judging by my experience and knowledge no ,I have been in more than 6 congregations in my 32 years in the religion and i have witnessed first hand marital breakups among brothers and sisters.in these congregations.
and I cant believe these were just isolated one offs that were not happening all over the world.
How about you and your congregation ? any similarities ?