Find friends in unexpected places ? If that doesnt shout out cult,cult ,cult ,I dont know what does.
Posts by smiddy
19 Childrens Page: Expanding My Circle Of Friends
by pale.emperor in
some things of note here, it looks to me that they're encouraging young ones to befriend older people and "people not like them".
could this be because many of the young ones are now leaving?.
19 Childrens Page: Expanding My Circle Of Friends
by pale.emperor in
some things of note here, it looks to me that they're encouraging young ones to befriend older people and "people not like them".
could this be because many of the young ones are now leaving?.
This is designed for young teeagers right ? or young pre-teens .maybe its just me but I cant see kids getting enthused about this.
And if they are pushed by parents or Elders it would soon fizzle out.
The Catholic Register: Russian Catholic official criticizes court ban on Jehovah's Witnesses
by AndersonsInfo in
russian catholic official criticizes court ban on jehovah's witnesses.
by jonathan luxmoore, catholic news service.
Does Msgr.Kovalevsky of the Catholic register in Russia know or appreciate the hatred that the WTB&TS /Jehovahs Witnesses have expressed against the Catholic Church in their more than 100 years of publications and personal witnessing from door to door all around the world ?
Jehovahs Witnesses have branded the Catholic church as the foremost and principle head of false religion of Christendom that has appostasisied from the true religion and labelled them as the main culprit/leader of Babylon The Great The Empire Of False religion.depicted in the book of Revelation.
And they have been prolific in their more than 100 years of publishing condemning the Catholic Church in an unfavourable light.
So it boggles my mind why a senior public Catholic figure would defend the Jehovahs Witnesses in any way,
RC 2017 talk: Safeguard Your Children From “What Is Evil”
by wifibandit inyou read that right.
there is a whole talk on the topic.. .
outline: safeguard your children from “what is evil” co-tk17-26-e. .
The Evil God Jehovah /Yahweh
1Sam 16: 14-23.
Brother Bradford's comment at the April 29 ,2017 Watchtower Study
by NCC-1701 inhope this works .
was listening to this on youtube today.
check out brother bradford's comment about the picture of the governing body at about the 1:11:38 mark..
You guys could sit through 1 hour 40 min. of this ? I take my hat off to you ,you have more intestinal fortitude than I have thats for sure.
RC 2017 talk: Safeguard Your Children From “What Is Evil”
by wifibandit inyou read that right.
there is a whole talk on the topic.. .
outline: safeguard your children from “what is evil” co-tk17-26-e. .
The Almighty God Jehovah /Yahweh/ Allah The Eternal ,or whatever else believers in the books of the Biblewant to call him is the one who allowed Evil to be brought into the world .
As the many scriptures have been brought out in other posts the God of the Bible is both good and evil.
This is also demonstrated in Gen.3:22 where God said "here the man has become like one of us knowing good and bad " or good and evil to put it another way.
If God hadnt put such a tree, of "knowledge of good and bad" in the garden of Eden in the first place ,Eve and then Adam couldnt have know bad/evil.
So God knows what good and bad/evil was before he put that tree in the garden of Eden ,so within God himself is good and evil , he is both good and evil.and he put that temptation in front of the first human pair.
This is a great video! Must watch..... "Intelligent people beleive in God"
by stuckinarut2 in
It certainly is a great video ,so very true on all points covered.In my case the person who witnessed to me ,I was a convert,was a trusted workmate who was "different" from everyday normal people and he used JW speak that I was unfamiliar with that intrigued me.He was spanish had a persecution complex about what was going to happen and so was somewhat secretive about everything.which also intrigued me.
I was also in a vulnerable state at that time also which made the conversion easier .
I think an alternative title should read intelligent people believe in God/ cult religions that way they would be covering two birds with one stone.
Turning 60 today (Happy Birthday to me)
by NewYork44M init is my birthday today.
given that i turn 60 today means that i graduated high school in 1975. time flies when you are having fun.. i remember the council i got about not worrying about a career because this wicked system was rapidly coming to a conclusion.
now i am 60 and most of those bastards are dead and the end is still in the future..
Happy birthday to you NY44M have a great day
what is the rarest JW book?
by dogon inwhat is the rarest jb book ever printed?
i just bought a copy of the finished mystery and it can be a bit rare.
but i bet there are others much more rare.
Does the KH still have a library where you can borrow books ? if so what is the earliest book you have access to ?
Just curious.
That fact coupled with the fact we were in a vulnerable state at our conversion is that we wanted to believe the JW message regardless of how it may have seemed bizzaar to normal people.
The bottom line here is we WANTED to believe and closed our minds to anything that challenged that belief.
I `m speking here from my own experience as a young adult who was converted at age 19.
And of course all the research you then did was publications provided by the WTB&TS .that discouraged outside sources.