What would I do in that circumstance ? I really dont know
I do remember when I was young an older person said to me.
"It`s better to be a live coward than a dead hero "
In all honesty ? I don`t know
would you as person in a terrorist siege denounce christianity ( even if you were not christian ) and pledge an oath to allah so save your arse from a bullet to the back of your head ?.
What would I do in that circumstance ? I really dont know
I do remember when I was young an older person said to me.
"It`s better to be a live coward than a dead hero "
In all honesty ? I don`t know
Maybe poople has come across a few monster m/servants ?
in the 18th century the calculations of archbishop james ussher regarding the age of the earth were still accepted without question.
according to ussher god made the earth at 6pm on the evening of saturday 22nd october 4004 b.c.. this naive certainty was to become a victim of the scottish enlightenment and the brilliant mind of james hutton.
having qualified as a medical doctor in 1749 hutton returned to the family farm in berwickshire not far from where i am typing this now.
I think you and many other posters confusing the 7.000 years of a creative day as was taught by Jehovahs Witnesses back when I became a witness in 1960 with the creation of the universe as being only 49,000 years And many then get the idea JW`s taught that the earth is only 6000 years old .
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Jehovahs witnesses taught that humans have only been on this earth for 6000 years since Adam and Eve were created not that the earth was created 6000 years ago .(maybe age has wearied some that they get confused with what the WT did actually teach)
What I was taught in 1960 the statement in the bible "In the beginning God created the heavens and earth"
That is the universe which includes the earth.
Gen1:1 Is just a general statement of fact (according to the Bible) Which could have taken place millions/billions of years ago . Gen1:2 then jumps to when God turns his attention to preparing the earth for human habitation.,that now has the 7000 year of one creative day .(which of course is still BS)
So Gen.1:1 could have taken place millions or even billions of years ago , the creative days of 7000 years each only applied to God Jehovah turning his attention to his purpose respecting the earth to prepare it and have it habitated with humans.
It has annoyed me no end to see this often misconception relayed here by well meaning folk but we do need to get our facts right when we challenge what JW`s have taught in the past.
By the way I love your evolution posts I have learnt so much.and am still learning.
this court case has been ongoing for the last couple of months - seems like the first verdicts came out at the end of last week - with more expected shortly.the sydney morning herald, may 12 2017. man found guilty of raping and detaining succession of women .
a man accused of torturing, raping and detaining women he lived with over more than two decades has been found guilty of a raft of charges.. the 52-year-old's trial heard allegations that he physically and psychologically abused a succession of women he lived with on the nsw central coast between 1988 and 2014.. a jury found the man guilty of 10 rape charges and eight count of detaining for advantage in the nsw district court on friday afternoon.
but the jury have not yet reached a verdict on three other counts of indecent assault.. the man, who was a member of the jehovah's witness church, was accused of raping women with household objects, forcing them to eat their dinners off the floor, and hog-tying them and placing them face down in a bath filled with water.. read more: http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/man-found-guilty-of-raping-and-detaining-succession-of-women-20170512-gw3jtm.
Reading those accounts in the Sydney Morning Herald by this journalist Melanie Kembrey of the treatment this once Jehovahs Witness inflicted on so many women beggars belief ,it seems so unbelievable.Its hard to comprehend that such a situation could go on for such a long time with so many victims.
Was this case reported on by any other media ? Just curious.
i haven't been on an exjw site for months and months.
i frankly am way past the point where i define myself as an exjw, i am who i am and it doesn't have really anything to do with the way i was raised or spent a considerable portion of my life, i also refuse to be bound by witness requirements as to leaving, contact with witnesses, or some kind of responsibility to whack people who seem perfectly happy as witnesses over the head with 'the truth about the truth'.
i have recently run in to a few people that seems to simply obsess with their lives as witnesses and why they left and in some cases the way they were treated or mistreated, or the need to "do" something.
Many ex JW`s over the years have stopped posting on this site obviously having moved on without seeing the need to cast aspersions on those of us for one reason or another who choose to remain and keep posting here.
Just saying.
i've been thinking about the changes we make within ourselves after leaving the wts cult.
i'm not referring to how we spend our time now that we actually have some, but who we have become, or working to be?.
the gb carries on and on about "stripping off the old personality and putting on the new one.
Longgone/posters do you think their is a big difference /outcomes between born ins and converts ?
OK ,I think I need to set a standard here ,born ins up till the mid 20`s say
and converts who have been active for at least 20 years
Would that give us a fair equlizer ?
Maybe this could not be done here but I think it would be a good comparisonall the same.
i wonder if it's possible for those of us who've been out decades to have alerts or alternatively see a grouping of threads in a folder or something similar if something actually happens of interest in the borg.. i'm not really interested in the day to day stuff about this cult but i would like to know if anything drastically changes as my siblings and their kids are still trapped.
i don't know anything about creating the code for forums so i don't know what is possible but if you don't ask you don't get.
this is not a criticism it's just time for me to move on and just drop in occasionally..
I'm not really interested in the day to day stuff about this cult but I would like to know if anything drastically changes as my siblings and their kids are still trapped.
I know where your coming from X ....,I just think you have to come here either week to week or even month to month and just sift through the posts to see what interests you. and go from there.
I have been out since 1993 and I am really only interested in what latest garbage they are spewing out.though admittedly their have been some gems that posters have brought out that I would never have known about if it wasnt for this site.
I have learnt more about JW`s on this site than what I knew about them in the 33 years I was a JW ,what does that tell you apart from the fact I was a dumbass .
You need to keep coming here for the sake of your siblings and their kids.and your own peace of mind.The Borg is not going anywhere anytime soon ,so you need to be here when something does arise you can help your family members with.
one thing over the years social media has made me painfully aware of is how many times i see someone use the phrase "i'll pray for you" and the outcome is bad.
recently a friend of mine who at one time was my manager where i worked got cancer.
a lot of people were praying for him.
A friend of mine has gone to Jerusalem for the past 60 odd years and religiously he has gone to the wailing wall to pray
I asked him .What do you pray for at the wailing wall ?
He said , Every year I go their ,I pray for peace in the world and especially I pray for peace between the Arabs and the Jews .
I then said to him ,you have been doing this for the past 60 odd years ?
He said yes.
I then said well ,how is it going ,any progress ?
He then said ,I dont know, somehow it just seems like i`m talking to a brick wall.
some of y'all may know why i am asking this, but i am curious about it.. sexting in the elders book says it's enough to warrant a jc but it's very loose at it... what's y'all opinion?
do elders care alot of it?
what if it's an old case?
Young children pre-teens have access to mobile phones nowadys with the approval of their parents many of whom would not monitor what their children use it for .
Keeping in mind the society we live in today children are subject to sexually explicit material on TV ,videos,movies etc especially if the parents are lax in supervising what children can watch.
And children being who they are will find ways to pull the wool over the eyes of their parents being inquisitive about sex.especially if their peers have freedom to view such content.
So YES ,I think sexting in this sense is a very serious problem that many young people are involved in.
The next step is to send photos using your phone of nude or more explicit poses to your boy or girl friend that teenage youths are becoming more prevalent causing all manner of problems for our youth today.And of course this is a serious problem especially when one partner puts pressure on the other to do something out of fear of having it shown to family or friends. (blackmail)
In this case it should be a crime.
pork chops, grits-broccoli-cheese casserole, celery & green onions smothered in turkey broth.. oh, frabjous day, calloo callay!.
or, something like that.. tee hee hee..
In reference to your OP ,that sounds like a meal fit for a Queen.What a great grandson.
However grits ? mush ? nixtamalization sounds like something we used to cull a plague of rabbits years ago.
And that process CoCo seems like something to be avoided not eaten.