I think you and many other posters confusing the 7.000 years of a creative day as was taught by Jehovahs Witnesses back when I became a witness in 1960 with the creation of the universe as being only 49,000 years And many then get the idea JW`s taught that the earth is only 6000 years old .
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Jehovahs witnesses taught that humans have only been on this earth for 6000 years since Adam and Eve were created not that the earth was created 6000 years ago .(maybe age has wearied some that they get confused with what the WT did actually teach)
What I was taught in 1960 the statement in the bible "In the beginning God created the heavens and earth"
That is the universe which includes the earth.
Gen1:1 Is just a general statement of fact (according to the Bible) Which could have taken place millions/billions of years ago . Gen1:2 then jumps to when God turns his attention to preparing the earth for human habitation.,that now has the 7000 year of one creative day .(which of course is still BS)
So Gen.1:1 could have taken place millions or even billions of years ago , the creative days of 7000 years each only applied to God Jehovah turning his attention to his purpose respecting the earth to prepare it and have it habitated with humans.
It has annoyed me no end to see this often misconception relayed here by well meaning folk but we do need to get our facts right when we challenge what JW`s have taught in the past.
By the way I love your evolution posts I have learnt so much.and am still learning.