Wasn`t it just a few short years ago they said they would need more KH`s because of the expected increases ?
And they had a program to fullfil this need ?
On the one hand they quote the scripture that says something like ",In the last days 10 men out of all nations will take hold of the skirt of a jew and will say we will go with you people because we have heard Jehovah God is with you people".
An expected increase /influx of many people wanting to join this religion.
And then on the other hand we have ," In the last days the love of the greater number will cool off " obviously denoting a decrease in believers.
A great exodus of people leaving the religion
Which is it Watchtower ?
Remember they also said for decades that the annointed numbers would decrease as we got closer to armageddon ,then for about 35 years the number never dropped below 8000 annointed ,then lo and behold the numbers actually started to go up so that at this date they are well over 14000-15000 annointed or maybe even more.
So if their are any thinking JW`s left in the organization its no wonder the attendances are dwindling