Well Fink,given Daniels prophecy is about the time of the end we can project it to this 21st century.
You know WT lingo ,type and anti-type ,now does that make much more sense ?
Bad_Wolf and waton ,you guys get my vote to be on the list to be the next in line to be GB members if not then at least to be on the writing department.
They need people like you with vision ,I`m sorry Holy spirit
Between the two of you a new Daniel book of new light should be forthcoming soon we all look forward to it .
It cant be any worse or off the mark than any previous books on prophecy that the WTB&TS have previously published these past 130 years . Go for it .
{ Disclaimer :no offence to Finkelstein,waton,or Bad_Wolf with this post ,my apologies.}