Satan is the God of this system of things 2Cor.4:4 "Blinding the minds of the unbelievers".
The superiour authorities of this world are by Jehovahs arrangement and to go against it is to go against Jehovah
Rom.chapt.13 Vs 4 "for it is gods minister to you for your good but if you are doing what is bad be in fear for it is not without purpose that it bears the sword for it is Gods minister an avenger "
5 "There is therefore compelling reason for you people to be in subjection" to the Superiour authorities .
Even though Satan is the God of this system of things and blinding the mind of the unbelievers / the superiour authorities are by Jehovahs arrangement and to go against it is to go against Jehovah.
Are you confused ? Does that make any sense at all ? doesnt one cancel out the other ?