The general public dont care about active Jehovahs Witnesses , so why would they care about former Jehovahs Witnesses.?
If you did a survey of all the people in the street where you live and asked them the question ",What do you know about the beliefs of Jehovahs Witnesses ?"
The answers you would recieve are most likely : 1.Idont give a f***k what they believe 2.they dont believe in blood transfusions 3.They dont go to war . 4 They wont salute the flag. 5.They are collecting money selling the Watchtower and Awake magazines for their religion.
Not one of them in a thousand ,I believe , would answer : They are Advertising Gods Kingdom of a Thousand Year Reign Under Christ Jesus .
This despite the fact that they have been preaching this message for approximately 120 years going from door to door.
That is the long answer to your question
The short answer to your question is NO