Human beings give their"interpretations" as to what GOD Jehovah meant in his word.
Whereas God himself is silent .[ He`s always silent ]
What the bloody hell do imperfect humans know what God meant when he said this or that .? I ask you.
that was the title of the public talk given by the co today.
it's a statement i've heard over the years many many's based on the nwt translation of matthew 5:3i always use a different version of the bible when i follow the scriptures because it lets me get a better view of the scripture in question.well, imagine my surprise when i read the scripture in the nrsv bible to realise it says something completely different.the nwt renders it...3 “happy are those conscious of their spiritual need, since the kingdom of the heavens belongs to them.. however the nrsv says...3 “blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.. i was quite surprised at the completely different meaning so i looked at other translations and they pretty much all say the same thing.
the only one who says anything like spiritual need is the nwt.
Human beings give their"interpretations" as to what GOD Jehovah meant in his word.
Whereas God himself is silent .[ He`s always silent ]
What the bloody hell do imperfect humans know what God meant when he said this or that .? I ask you.
i realize that prayer is a really personal thing, but representing a group in prayer has become so full of cliche's that i just want to vomit sometimes.
co week almost every prayer has the phrase "special week of activity" in it.. then there's "please look after the sick and afflicted.".
not so much anymore, "please bless this food and the hands that prepared it.".
When Jesus gave his illustration of how to pray he never mentioned Jehovah .
And the account`s of his giving a prayer ,he never mentions Jehovah.
Forget about the NWT of the Bible
Look at the Jehovahs Witness Kingdom Interlinear translation of The Christian Greek Scriptures,a word for word translation and the name Jehovah does not exist anywhere in that nearest to authentic text in existence.
there is an add that appears often here about a 'messianic bible, free reserve yours now.
' i contacted them and not wanting anything for free i sent what i thought was a fair price for such a bible.
no bible they seem to be working on it.
Did you pay money up front zeb ? Is it a scam ?
On another note I just wonder how many different Bible versions do we need ? or are even necessary ?
Doesnt it just add to more confusion as to what these Bible translators/Bible Societys say GOD meant?
If their was /is a God couldnt he have set matters straight Centuries ago clarifying what he said /meant in the first place instead of the ridiculous position we are in today with so many translations /interpretations as to what he is supposed to have said /meant ?
Not even taking into account the volumes of commentary,theosophical discussions,Bible Dictionarys,etc.etc. speaking for God.
I mean to say he is supposed to be the Creator of the Universe and yet he cant give us HIS actual words and meaning of the Bible ?
watchtower october 2017, par 11, page 28 - "very soon the political powers of satan’s world will form a coalition that is bent on the destruction of god’s people.
's] have anything to fear?
not at all! that critical moment during the great tribulation, the angelic soldiers of jehovah of armies will come together to protect god’s people..."[j.w.
And if the GB are basing their interpretation on the book of Revelation CH:2 or CH:7 just keep in mind Rev.CH:22.vs20 "Yes I am coming quickly" , 2000 years ago and Christians are still waiting.
So quickly should arrive before soon shouldnt it ?
i appreciate 10 commandments because they try to ensure law and order in the society.
however, i have problem with introductory statements that say: “you shall have no other gods before[a] me… you shall not bow down to them or worship them; for i, the lord your god, am a jealous god, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.” (exodus 20:3-6).
1) this contradicts the characteristics of god described in mathew 5:44-48 where love is described as loving everyone without thinking whether others reciprocate or not.
{…“You shall have no other gods before[a] me}
Obviously Jehovah was not willing to share the spotlight with his peers.Gen.3:22
{ I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,} (and every overlapping generation ever since)
That would have to be the understatement in all of Evolutions history wouldnt it ?
How can that equate with a" God of Love" or " He loved the world so much he gave his only begotten son" yet he keeps punishing Adam and Eves offspring to this very day.for their act of eating a forbidden fruit.and not just with death but a myriad of debillitating diseases to boot.
{When God makes a statement, He can’t make mistake.}
So when Jehovah God changes his mind as he has done on a few occassions ,its not because he has made a mistake ?
Just saying
However it is true the" Human Element is seen in the Ten Commandments" as well as the rest of the Bible.
7 years ago i was this "ultra spiritual elder".
you name it, i was visible all over the region.
i was the coordinator, on the convention committee, rbc, had a talk at every convention and assembly, regular pioneer, etc.
No James Jack their is a huge difference in the WT publication " Is this Life All Their Is " and what "Wake Me Up Before You JoHo" said which is
"What is The Meaning Of My Life " and i need to emphasise " MY LIFE" here.
What is the meaning of YOUR life away from the manipulations ,fear obligations and guilt that the jehovahs Witness /watchtower religion puts upon you.
And I agree with the previous post if you havent done it already is to apologise to your son and ask for his forgiveness because you were listening not to what the Bible says but what 7 men in brooklyn told you to believe
If your still a Bible believer read again about Jesus and casting the first stone.and forgiveness.
If I havent done so before James Jack a sincere welcome to this forum ,stick around and comment on whatever subject you like we like to hear from new people.
i just learned that my wife's congregations will soon be disbanded.
her congregation will disappear (cahuenga spanish in north hollywood in southern california).
all the members will be added to other neighboring congregations.
A business or religion that is expanding means more outlets /Kh`s .
A religion or business that is in decline means selling off more KH`s or outlets.
The writing is on the wall for the JW/WT religion
It`s just a matter of time.
hello, this is my 1st initiated post on this site, so i'm a bit nervous.
i did search for similar topics on this site, but a lot of them have been inactive for several years, so here goes.... a little background, i was pretty much born in "da twoof", baptized at 17, pioneered for about 6 years, was part of the rbc part time, and was even in the foreign language field for the last 3 years i was a jw.
so i pretty much had a pretty active social life within the organization due to being part of all of those things.
Welcome Novice locs 14 (how did you come up with that handle ?) never mind .And no need to feel nervous anymore most of us have experienced that when we first posted on this forum.
You are among friends here who have had similar experiences as yourself.
I tend to be a bit of a loner ,I dont just jump in and try to make friends with people I first meet ,rather I will sit back and analyse what type of people they are .( I know people who jump in at the first meeting with someone as if they are long lost friends and then live to regret it LOL)
My wife and I joined a few clubs ,senior citizens ,their Opportunity shop ,Probus ,and a table tennis group ,just to meet and socialise with people ,and at least you get to know people in the world are not like the WT portrays them to be.
Human beings are the same everywhere in a religion ,in politics ,or in social organizations ,some people you like some people you wont like.
Thats life.
My husband has encouraged me to just ago out there, find out what I enjoy and meet like minded people who do those things.
Your husband is a wise man ,take his advice
I wish you and your husband both well ,especially in your journey exiting the JW cult.
Take care.
i still believe in freedom of religion even if i disagree with the beliefsof the religion.
what about you?.
I agree with oneEyedjoe`s suggestion its more practical and logical
i ask this question for good reason.
let's face it, despite all the books, videos, forums, court cases, hearings, protests etc that have been exposing the society for many years. continues to roll on almost 'it seems' unscathed.. for example, just walk into any kingdom hall there is not so much as a whisper about anything that has been exposed outside of jw land.
LOL OUTLAW ,(where are her eyes focused on ?)
OMG ! JW`s are really that small ?