Where does one start :
He is guilty of genocide for the attempted and succesful ,killing off other nations not leaving man woman or child alive.
He is guilty of barbarism against women for not living up to his rules or regulations such as cutting off a womans hand for defending her husband in a brawl with another man.
He is guilty of condemning the whole human race for the misdemeanor of the first Human pair for eating a fruit he said not to eat ? A bit over the top dont you think ?
And he implied it was only death that they would suffer ,that has turned out to be a lie ,because humans suffer all sorts of diseases and debillitating illnesses and indignities before dying sometimes painfull deaths.
And he is a God of Love ? I dont think so .
Jehovah Gods morality and partiallity must also be a subject of the human rights commission also .
King David lusts after Bathsheba he has her husband effectively killed and takes her .his punishment ?his child dies.
Big deal.
Lot has incest with his daughters both of them and yet none of them , lot or his 2 daughters. are condemned by Jehovah
and hello , Lot is held up as a righteous person.
Then their is the crimes against children , apart from the genocides against them their is such accounts as children taunting Gods prophet and executed by bears. (kids will be kids wont they ? )
I`m sure you guys can give us more examples
please do so.
If God was on trial for human rights abuses what would you charge him with.?