Ray Frankz sending a letter to the Governing Body pointing out their flaws in doctrine could be likened to sending a letter to a Mafia boss that he could be breaking the law.
The GB are not delusional ,they know full well they are not directed by Holy Spirit and that they are not operating under the guidance of the Holy Spirit ,
They have admitted to not being inspired by God and not directed by Gods Holy Spirit.that they are imperfect and make mistakes.
And the videos of the Australian Royal Comission also show that the Australian Governing Body member G.Jackson can lie under oath.
When asked by counsel if Jehovahs Witnesses considered themselves the only "true"religion ,his reply was "That would be presumptuous of him to say that "?
Also Vincent Toole a JW and a legal representative of the WT organization when asked by counsel about shunning said "I have heard about it but I dont know what it means" another lie. under oath.by a person of responsability high up in the organization
The JW`s are no more directed by God than are the Mormons ,Seventh Day Adventists or the Christadephians.or any other religion.