This seems like a sexist thread to me how about you girls coming up with a God of your choice.
Posts by smiddy
Goddesses are cooler
by pale.emperor ini dont know about you, but for some reason if i were to go around worshiping some deity i should have done better and looked outside the bible.
i mean, there's some pretty cool goddesses out there in other religions.
here's my top 3:.
A Perfect Life Isn't Worth Living?
by Sorry inthink of your favorite tv shows.
what do they all have in common?
the answer is they revolve around some type of problem or conflict.
You need curiosity to forge ahead into the unknown which leads to new discoveries breaking boundarys.
The GB has always been against using your brain thats why the religion has dumbed down so much these past decades.
OTWO remember competition is frowned on and a big no-no , dress codes are strictly controlled , imagine a sister or brother designing their own clothes in the new system it would be as bad as the Muslim nations of today you would have the religious police patrolling everywhere ."You cant wear that ?"
Paradise ? I think it would be Hell on earth.
Why do trolls do what they do?
by Londo111 ini truly don't understand the mindset of a troll.
i know it's been explained, but i still don't get it.
it is hard to distinguish between a troll and a jw apologist at times because the reactions are very similar.
Maybe they are just people with low self esteem that craves attention and this is one way they feel they get it.
to all a thank you
by notalone into all on this site who from their hearts participate, thank you.
you encourage thought, offer support and share laughs, thank you.
you may never know what point has touched a heart or opened a mind.
Your not alone their buddy
Millions now living will never die
by stillin inbut pretty much all of them are now dead.
and so are billions of others.
so, god doesn't desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance?
Jehovahs Witnesses ,The Assembly of God ,The seventh Day Adventists ,The Christadelphians ,The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, are just a few of the more well known religions that believe we are living in the last days when Armageddon is going to come.
I am sure with over 40,000 other Christian religions their are quite a few more that would come under that umberella and would have similar beliefs .
Which would also mean they have similar beleifs that millions now living will never die but billions will at Gods Judgement on mankind.
Shunning and apostacy
by biblexaminer inhey folks.
i have been looking for the latest on shunning of those who have drifted.
i recall the 2016 convention had a part, and i believe there was a video.
Bugger !! I shouldnt rely on my memory at my age thanks for correcting me.
I`ll try to be more careful in future.
For Those Who Participated In Sending Xmas Cards.
by smiddy inhi friends one and all ,.
if any of you did not recieve a card from me please let me know .i believe i covered everyone but you never know.. i recieved 10 and it was much appreciated by me & my wife who was impressed as they were from different parts of the world . is a great site ,i know we all dont always see eye to eye on every topic and some topics can bring out emotions in us as we express our views .. and thats what makes it a great site.we can say what we feel without repercussions that are lasting.. take care everybody and pm me if you dont want to post here.. just saying..
Hi friends one and all ,
If any of you did not recieve a card from me please let me know .I believe I covered everyone but you never know.
I recieved 10 and it was much appreciated by me & my wife who was impressed as they were from different parts of the world is a great site ,I know we all dont always see eye to eye on every topic and some topics can bring out emotions in us as we express our views .
And thats what makes it a great site.We can say what we feel without repercussions that are lasting.
Take care everybody and pm me if you dont want to post here.
Just saying.
Oh God(s)!
by tepidpoultry inmeant to hopefully get your mind off the craziness which we sadly refer to as the news these days,.
we'll call this one .
fun for seculars.
# 7 I am 100% sure there is no God as defined by the Oxford dictionary " Superhuman being worshipped as having power over nature & human fortunes "
My post includes all of the Gods that the human race have invented.
I was brought up to believe in God by parents who were not practicing christians themselves but believed their children were to go to sunday school , I ceased attending before I was a teenager & converted to the JW`s at 19.
I left them 33 years later for many reasons that led me to believe it was just another man made religion.
When I got a PC came on this site about ten years ago along with other sites like this which led me to do my own research I came to the only conclusion I could God does not exist.
He/she is a myth invented by humans for control over the masses.
No God has ever stepped forward and defended his or her to their existence its always a human who jumps to there defence with no evidence for their claims.
I will only believe in demons if...
by deegee injws are known to have an obsession and preoccupation with demons.. this obsession and preoccupation is not without merit given that jesus, his disciples/apostles, and the general public of 1st century ce judea and galilee are reported as believing in the existence of demonic spirits and in the possibility of demon possession of an individual.. exorcism formed a large part of jesus' ministry on earth.
the gospels and the book of acts describe many exorcisms where jesus and his disciples release people from demonic possession.. ___ .
but how do demons get inside a person's brain or body?
I`m sorry if i have missed something David -Jay but did you cover what the Jews in the Old Testament view of demon possesion was ? Did they even believe such a thing in the Old testament ?
I guess it all comes down to do or did the jews believe in a personal Devil and Demons as his followers ,fallen Angels who rebelled against the Most High God.?
My mind boggles as to why anybody can still believe in the Bible with stories like these and many other mind boggling scriptures.
I became a JW with having a reverence for the Bible but not knowing much about it (my up bringing)
I thought I was learning about the Bible with JW`s ,how wrong was I.
I have learnt more about the Bible since leaving the JW`s and coming on this site than my 33 years as a JW.