Sorry ,but my question would rather be "what if C.T.Russell never existed ,I tend to think none of us would be here speculating on Freddie franz .
Posts by smiddy
What if Fred Franz had never existed?
by Magnum inwhat if fred franz had never existed?.
those of you who weren’t around in the days when he was the oracle of jwdom or who at least aren’t familiar with the deeper publications he was responsible for probably won’t be able to comprehend the significance of the question.
i believe he influenced jwdom greatly, and the whole feel of jwdom would have been different without him.. during the 60’s, 70’s, & 80’s (not sure about 50’s), he was considered to be almost superhuman by some (a lot?
The goal in all this 1918/1919 change?
by careful inas some have recently posted here, there does seem to be a shift going on in their self-interpretation(s) of what happened in 1918 and 1919. if we can look past all the details that emphasize the poor thinking and poor wording (or contradictions/just plain craziness/insignificance) of their message, something bigger seems to be afoot.
they appear to be attempting to redefine the meanings for some "prophetic" scriptures in light of themselves.
1. they are trying to somehow fill the void they have themselves created from their rejecting freddie franz's (ff) type–anti-type postulations.
Your not a GB member on here JWleaks masquerading as an apostate are you? if not you should put in your application to be on the GB its the best illustration I`ve seen yet.
by Anders Andersen ini still remember that feeling.
thank god it's gone for good.
i used to be part of us witnesses.
That was a good read AA thanks for posting it .
New light in this weeks WT?
by Indian Larry inanybody have any ideas where they are going with the "new light" they have been pushing last week and this week?
for instance in this weeks study article one section reads:.
in years gone by, we believed that jehovah became displeased with his people because they did not have a zealous share in the preaching work during world war i. we concluded that for this reason, jehovah allowed babylon the great to take them captive for a short time.
{The new light from last weeks WT is that they were not taken into captivity in "Babylon" but by the superior,secular authorities.}
Wasnt the Superior Authorities placed in their positions by God ? Shouldnt every soul be in subjection to God ? Any who oppose the the authority has taken a stand against the arrangement of God.? ( Jehovah )
"Let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities for their is no authority except by God the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God." (Jehovah )
" those who have taken a stand against it will recieve judgement to themselves etc.etc. ( from Jehovah )
Rom 13:1-7
Then of course we have the scriptures that show"Satan the devil is the ruler of the world" , he is "the God of this system of things" and" the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one"
2Cor.4:4 ,1Joh.5:19
So who is it ? ,is jehovah in control of the secular authorities ? or is Satan in control of the secular authorities.?
Just who is the ruler of the world ?
Hyper Tech
by IveBeenBitten inthis "world event" is a few years away but i'm in the field so i work everyday to prepare for it.. our technology is advancing at an exponential rate.
shit will hit the fan because of it.. even as a jw i knew this was coming.
in fact, i thought that's what the bible was talking about.
Is it just me or are we getting a lot of wierdos on this site lately is it theocratic warfare ?
Crazy First Human-Pig Hybrid Created in the Lab—Here Are the Facts
by kpop ini do not post ot topics on here but i think this could relate to the jw cult because i remember a brother gave a talk long time ago and he said that jehovah would never allow man or science to play with crossing genes and if humans start to do this then we need to find a new religion.
well.... here it is.. now i also want to say, if jehovah cared so much about all this human suffering then why does science seem to be the one who actually cares about fixing thing?
jehovah does nothing.
sir82 Please insert a Trump joke , Herr Gropenfuhrer ? I love it.
No Longer a JW Expert But Starting to Figure Out Life
by AllTimeJeff inconsider this an update for those that remember me here.... when i left in 2006, it started a 10 year journey into a new phase.
no more "safety".
some people want to be their own person.
Glad to hear from you again Jeff and that you are doing well , take care.
Skinned and Thrown About.....
by Tech49 inthis is a little long, but stick with me.. if you recall, when the building work was in full swing at the new lakefront villa (warwick), wt was having workers come and they would put them up for a year, or more, while they were providing "volunteer services".
with that, and the impending need for hundreds and hundreds of new khs in the usa territory, the congregations were abuzz with the need for "continued construction volunteers".
recently, as many of you know, wt headquarters has sent pretty much everyone home, and is no longer needing workers at the new warwick site, as the building is mostly complete, with the dedication coming up later this year.
Forgive me I have been out for a long time " they can flip to Malachi ?" whats that mean?
I can be a little dense too at times LOL
Back to the topic I think thats great news , if that doesnt wake people up what will ?
Oh God(s)!
by tepidpoultry inmeant to hopefully get your mind off the craziness which we sadly refer to as the news these days,.
we'll call this one .
fun for seculars.
Is that a number 8 tepidpoultry ? if so modify my #7 to an 8 .
Cognitive dissonance explanation
by usualusername1 ini just saw this video that explained cognitive dissonance really well in less than three minutes.
start @ 3:40. .
It was an interesting video to watch.