Ok my bad if she is a pioneer she is baptised.I just cant get my head around how she is getting away with what she is doing when other R&F witnesses are hauled over the coals for far less infringements of the societys rules and regulations.?
Posts by smiddy
Jalessa Castillo, a Jehovah Witness Pioneer, who joined The Orlando Times Team, maintains a 3.75 Grade Point Average at Valencia College.
by no password inhttp://www.orlando-times.com/the_journey_of_jalessa_526.html.
the orlando times.
Genesis Lifetimes and Numerology
by schnell inout of morbid curiosity, i would like to here reduce the digits of the lifetimes stated in genesis chapter 5. it is clear that no human being has ever lived that long, and perhaps there is some numerological meaning to these numbers rather than literal history.
7 after he became the father of enosh, seth lived 807 years and had other sons and daughters.
10 after he became the father of kenan, enosh lived 815 years and had other sons and daughters.
This fascination with numbers in the Bible is not exclusive to Jehovahs Witnesses and I think just empathises how supersticious most believers in religion are.including JW`s.
The numbers 6, 7 ,10 ,12 ,40 ,666 , 12,000 ,144,000 and combinations of those numbers all figure prominently in scripture from the first book of the Bible to the last book of the Bible.
And what happened to the 7,000 years for a creative day that was JW doctrine in the 60`s-80`s ?
But its just supersticious nonsense that doesnt mean twat
New BBC Panorama doc maybe be coming
by wizzstick inon a ex-jw fb group this post went up in december.
been meaning to copy and paste it on here.
the op on fb said they were happy for it to be shared:.
Lets keep this post highlighted for the next couple of months so that the more people who are exposed to it the more chance some people will come forward and participate in this BBC program ,its a great opportunity to get the message out their that nothing really has changed since 2002 and more victims just keep getting abused .
Shun Glasses
by Tallon insaw this on another exjw site and had a good laugh.. hope you get a kick out of it too ;).
The WT /GB could make millions of $$$$ marketing those among their 8 million Borg members .
We shouldnt give them all these brainy ideas.
My families shunning has gone to a whole new level
by pale.emperor in8 months df'd.
loving a life of freedom.
however, my family are all shunning me.
Well said clarity
Stephanie Fessler v Watch Tower - Trial on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2017 in Pennsylvania
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://avoidjw.org/2017/02/stephanie-fessler-v-watch-tower/.
stephanie fessler v watch tower.
stephanie fessler was brought up as a jehovah’s witness by her parents, jodee and kevin.
Please excuse my ignorance as to how this law of mandatory reporting of Child sexuall Abuse is applied in America but just how many cases have been successfully prosecuted for failing to do so.say in the past 5-10 years ?
I may be wrong and correct me if I am but I dont think this law is followed through very much .
And I dont think it is here in Australia either.
Cyprus JW's Military Service
by snare&racket ini work with a nurse who served for 2 years in the army of cyprus as is compulsory in that country.
i happened to ask about jw's and their consequential punishment for not doing it.
he laughed and stated that since 2009 they have to do it and that he personally knew several that 'served.
Could these guys that served in the military just been fringe dwellers ones that have been brought up in the "truth" not really abiding by it but still refer to themselves as JW`s.? I believe their are many that fit that catergory .
Genesis Lifetimes and Numerology
by schnell inout of morbid curiosity, i would like to here reduce the digits of the lifetimes stated in genesis chapter 5. it is clear that no human being has ever lived that long, and perhaps there is some numerological meaning to these numbers rather than literal history.
7 after he became the father of enosh, seth lived 807 years and had other sons and daughters.
10 after he became the father of kenan, enosh lived 815 years and had other sons and daughters.
Hey schnell can you forward to me the numerology for smiddy ? their is an OZ lotto draw coming up on tuesday worth $ 30,000,000 ,i`ll buy the ticket and when it wins we will go 50/50 OK ? -
Jalessa Castillo, a Jehovah Witness Pioneer, who joined The Orlando Times Team, maintains a 3.75 Grade Point Average at Valencia College.
by no password inhttp://www.orlando-times.com/the_journey_of_jalessa_526.html.
the orlando times.
My guess is that she isnt baptized yet and never will be
Just my 2 cents worth.
(though I have been known to be wrong before )
Stephanie Fessler v Watch Tower - Trial on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2017 in Pennsylvania
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://avoidjw.org/2017/02/stephanie-fessler-v-watch-tower/.
stephanie fessler v watch tower.
stephanie fessler was brought up as a jehovah’s witness by her parents, jodee and kevin.
3rdgen spot on that a father and presumably a mother wouldnt stand up to protect their own daughter by reporting it to the appropiate authorities