Sometimes I emit gas sometimes spontaneous other times without my consent much to the annoyance of my wife however before I was born I didnt emit Gas
Isnt the known Universe made up of a lot of gas ? I`m just doing my bit.
some people like to believe in something others believe in nothing; so in what location did the substance that expanded into the time/space universe exist before the big bang?
where did the energy that caused the big band come from?
how did the substance that became the big bang change from being inert and sterile and come to life to having the properties and drive that it does?
Sometimes I emit gas sometimes spontaneous other times without my consent much to the annoyance of my wife however before I was born I didnt emit Gas
Isnt the known Universe made up of a lot of gas ? I`m just doing my bit.
ever since i came out of the witnesses, i've become very political.. i've heard lots of arguments back and forth for many things.. in the u.s. there is the argument that it is "racist" to want to deny entry to muslims.
while there is freedom of religion, there is also the very valid concern of maintaining democracy and a justice system that is based on modern values.we as exjw's constantly quote the pew center for statistics on jw's such as: they are last place in the us for members of a religion that go to university, and second-last for poverty levels of members of a religion.
we accept those statistics and mention them as proof of how damaging the jw's, let's use the same center for some very scary statistics on islam:
A good post I loveTTATT2 , the western democratic nations are going to rue the day they let in so many muslims.
It may take a few more years untill it really sinks in
As you rightly say Christianity had an "out" in the New Testament and Islam has no such "out" of their barbaric practice against any who dont tow the line.
last night at the meeting there was a suggested presentation about the new mags, which cover the issue of depression in minors.
the jw jumps straight from "hi how are ya" to "how is your kids mental well-being " and of course the hh is more than happy to discuss the inner workings of their child's mind with a stranger whose just knockedmon their door(!).
if it was me i'd be majorly creeper out!.
Me , knocking my head against my computer desk after watching that video saying "I cant believe I used to do this shit" forgive me HH for I know not what I did.
last night at the meeting there was a suggested presentation about the new mags, which cover the issue of depression in minors.
the jw jumps straight from "hi how are ya" to "how is your kids mental well-being " and of course the hh is more than happy to discuss the inner workings of their child's mind with a stranger whose just knockedmon their door(!).
if it was me i'd be majorly creeper out!.
Outlaw and Finkelstein those were funny
some people like to believe in something others believe in nothing; so in what location did the substance that expanded into the time/space universe exist before the big bang?
where did the energy that caused the big band come from?
how did the substance that became the big bang change from being inert and sterile and come to life to having the properties and drive that it does?
Your asking questions that cant be answered with present knowledge if ever they can be answered at all.
That doesnt mean that a God brought everything into existence because you have the same problem.
Where did God come from ? If nothing can come into existence from nothing ?
A question JW`s always avoided .the usual response He exists thats a fact just accept it.
the world health organization states that in the year 2015 ,5.9 million children died under the age of 5 years of age.. in 2010 the death rate for children under the age of 5 years of age was 7.6 million.
thats over 13 million in just 2 years .
i dont think you need to be a rocket scientist to conclude that since mankind has been on the earth for however long you want to believe and i`m just going on a conservative estimate of 6000 years by the above figures i quoted their would be billions of children under 5 yearsof age that would have died.
The World Health organization states that in the year 2015 ,5.9 million children died under the age of 5 years of age.
In 2010 the death rate for children under the age of 5 years of age was 7.6 million
Thats over 13 million in just 2 years
I dont think you need to be a rocket scientist to conclude that since mankind has been on the earth for however long you want to believe and i`m just going on a conservative estimate of 6000 years by the above figures I quoted their would be billions of children under 5 yearsof age that would have died
And if you believe mankind has been around a lot longer than that then the numbers of child deaths would go up substantially
And your God has looked on with this situation with apparent indifference and done nothing about it.
To say that they are in heaven and with the angels or that God has them in his memory and will resurrect them at a future date when the parents are long dead anyway just doesnt cut it .
How can he be a loving God ? interested in humans ?compassionate ?caring ?especially to those worshipping him ?
Though he is supposed to be a God for all mankind isnt he ?
The big cop out of course is the statement Gods ways are higher than ours , he works in mysterious ways unbeknown to us humans ..
As I said this is a serious question for believers if you care to reply.
And I dont want it to be an atheist vs beliver debate ,I just want to know how you reconcile this question.
i've just come across this idea: i've been feeling guilty about not contributing more to this forum, given all the help i've received here.
i feel guilty that i haven't had it as bad as so many of you.
i feel guilty that i didn't have any jw family/friends that shunned me when i left.
LNO your going through a transition in your life that may take a lot of time to get through , leaving your husband ,religion ,leaving associates you formed while in the religion ,I wont call them friends,your in your mid fifties and starting out on your own again is all very traumatic. Dont be too hard on yourself.
Just one or two of the things you are going through can be stressful enough without adding a few more things to cope with.
Again dont be so hard on yourself Lighten up.
Take care
did you notice the expression "intelligent disobedience" in the febuary 2017 broadcast (at 7:30)?.
it was used with the illustration of a guide dog for blind persons, that sometimes has to disobey it's owner.. what a fine example for us!
As a general rule I have found this to be true.
As I have said before and will say yet again Jehovahs Witnesses speak out of both sides of their mouth .
They speak with a forked tongue.
When you confront them with one thing they have said in print ,they can always quote an opposite thing they have said in print and if you challenge them about it ? What you say is old light and what they say is new light.
two ironys here... first of all the title "keep in expectation as jehovahs day draws near" - (this talk is from 2006!!
) i suppose 11 years isnt near enough.
second is that geoffrey jackson, of all people, is giving a talk that goes on and on about liars and how jehovah never lies.
So according to the opening post Armageddon could be thousands of years away as DOC rightly points out JW`s quote the Bible that states a thousand years is as one day and a day as a thousand years
So thats a good point to bring up the next time a JW calls on your door
And when they bring up times are critical and hard to deal with in this last Century and now ,ask them what century has this never been the case?
Its always been the case.
hi everyone, i've just registered and thought i might introduce myself and tell my experience.
my name's raquel.. i was born into a jw family.
i started leading a double life around 14y/o and got caught drinking by another sister when i was 15 and saw that as my opportunity to quit the panthomime and stopped going to the meetings.
Welcome Raquel its never too late to join this forum and start living your life the way you want to without fear or obligations to anyone.
Your saving grace was never being baptised with your relationships in your family.Good for you.
A helpful tip : Use the search option to get information on any subject you want to know about.
Or just ask questions on here , everybody is more than willing to help.
And that goes for any newbies or lurkers reading this.
Take care.