Where is it in the New Testament , that says Christians followers of Jesus Christ, are to worship Jehovah God ?
Name one scripture .? that explicitly states that ?
Jesus Christ is the central figure in the Christian Greek Scriptures that christians are to honour and obey Phil .2:5-12
Not Jehovah.a name a Spanish Catholic monk in the 13th century invented using his knowledge of the four hebrew letters , YHWH or JHVH denoting Gods name and using Adonai to come up with Jehovah.
Even the Watchtower in the book Aid To Bible Understanding first edition acknowledged Yahweh would be the more accurate translation however because of popularism they settled on Jehovah.
because the population in christendom would be more familiar with that name,
However they have been saying for decades that christendom has been hiding Gods name from the public ?
So which is it christendom has been hiding that mame of God ? or it is the most recognised name of God in christendom.?
Another example of JW`s speaking out of both sides of their mouth.