Why do apologists of God keep referring to thousands of years old scriptures as to what GOD is supposed to have said ? written down by imperfect uneducated by our standards today , humans more than 2000 years ago ?
How is it that we havent heard a word from him in 2000 years ? Apparently he was always communicating with his people in one way or another in the "Old Testament" the "Hebrew Scriptures "
However since the New testament "Christian Greek Scriptures " he refuses to talk with humans and neither does his son Jesus Christ ,and he is supposed to be ruling over the congregations for the past 100+ years ?
Which beggars the question if Jesus Christ has been ruling over the Christian Congregation since 1914 how is it they have got so many things wrong since 1914 ?
They are continually making adjustments with the excuse "the light gets brighter and brighter" what is wrong with Jesus that he cant say what he means in the first place ? does he suffer from dyslexia ? Is he now senile ?
According to JW`s Jesus has been enthroned since 1914 ,is he mute ? He hasnt said anything that gives anyone confidence that he is ruling over the world let alone the congregations.?