Boy...back in the day personal glorification was a total no no...everything had to be done with they love to flash their pompous arses all over their private club media......tiki
So true OUTLAW
,Does any of the older generation see how far the religion of Jehovahs Witnesses have deviated from their roots ?
Arent they just becoming like the TV evangelists they used to condenm ?
The mixture of Christ and Jehovah in this Convention program is confusing ! scriptures using Christ Jesus in the New Testament are valid however their are no scriptures in the new testament that use the name Jehovah , certainly not in the word for word translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures published by the WTB&TS
which does not contain the four consonants of JHVH anywhere in the said text., therefore the name Jehovah should not appear theirin .
So is this Convention program of 2017 a farce ? A convention that is designed to manipulate the gullible ?
Just saying , you decide .