I dont consider myself a youtubing nut job apostate in anyway shape or form ,just an atheist who sees the emperor with no clothes (emperor=GB ) and I thank JW`s for getting me where I am .
Posts by smiddy
What's your degree of anti-JWness?
by Landy inso, on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is absolutely pro-jw, 5 is neutral and 10 is youtubing nutjob apostate, where do you stand?.
i'm probably around a 6. i have the view that jws are a nothing marginal religion.
if i hadn't been brought up as one i doubt they would have ever entered my consciousness.. the reasons it's a 6 and not a 5 is that i have some concerns over their child baptism and safeguarding procedures, but i think it's down to them being a bit dim rather than any pro child abusing ethos.
Don’t share food with apostate—what about air we all breathe in?
by venus inwe have heard: “don’t share food with apostate.” what about sharing the air we all breathe in?
whether apostate or believer, both breathe in the same air (which is more important than food)!.
today i put this question to the couple who came to invite me for the memorial.
Welcome venus look forward to more of your posts.
Who can explain why the "Two Witness" rule is wrong, in the simplest term?
by DATA-DOG inwith all the legalese being tossed around, and the expert manipulation on the part of the wtbts, who can explain why the "two witness" is being perverted by the wtbts?
i don't care if you're a bible believer and want to approach this from a biblical standpoint, or if you simply use logic and reason.
how would you explain this subject to a j-dub, or even a non-dub?.
The two witness rule is used by the JWs only as part of their own internal judicial system, to establish sin for disciplinary action of the one committing the sin but has a number of negative consequences.
Of course child sexual abuse is a crime and not a sin , so Elders who are informed of an allegation of sexual abuse against one of the children in the congregation regardless of whether it was committed by a fellow member or a non member , it should have been reported to the appropiate authorities when it came to their notice. regardless of whether a mandatory rule of law applied or not.
It was a moral responsability on their part which they failed to do.
Talked to a JW at a literature stand today
by nevermind inguys,.
i need your help in trying to wrap my head around this strange experience i had today talking with a jw lady sitting at a literature table in a busy outdoor shopping center.. i'm a very shy person, but i always wanted to ask these jws at their literature stands questions to start them thinking about the validity of watchtower teaching.
i finally mustered my strength today to talk to this jw lady.
By the way welcome to the board nevermind .
Uniting Church apologises to victims of sexual abuse, Jehovah's Witnesses defend treatment
by NikL inapologies if this has been posted already.... http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-03-10/uniting-church-in-australia-apologises-to-victims/8344496.
As an atheist determining who was more christian in their answers To the ARC the Uniting Church won hands down.
The UC were contrite in their answers and apologised and answered questions without trying to defend their failings.
In contrast the JW`s continually tried to defend the indefensible taking the ARC to task for not understanding their scriptual interpretations and continually defecting to legalisms much to the frustation of SC Angus Stewart
Talked to a JW at a literature stand today
by nevermind inguys,.
i need your help in trying to wrap my head around this strange experience i had today talking with a jw lady sitting at a literature table in a busy outdoor shopping center.. i'm a very shy person, but i always wanted to ask these jws at their literature stands questions to start them thinking about the validity of watchtower teaching.
i finally mustered my strength today to talk to this jw lady.
The JW organisation are always re-writing their history and what has been written before is always "old truths" so they just mentally discard what was "true" to them previously -even facts of history.
I know its hard to get your head around this.Our minds boggle at the thought of it.
She is just obviously swallowing hook line and sinker whatever the GB says and refusing to use her own brain .
She is a typical WT robot.
Who can explain why the "Two Witness" rule is wrong, in the simplest term?
by DATA-DOG inwith all the legalese being tossed around, and the expert manipulation on the part of the wtbts, who can explain why the "two witness" is being perverted by the wtbts?
i don't care if you're a bible believer and want to approach this from a biblical standpoint, or if you simply use logic and reason.
how would you explain this subject to a j-dub, or even a non-dub?.
The ARC into child sexual abuse case 54 ,they need to be made aware that the 2 witness rule is not a 2000 year old scriptual requirement but actually a 4000 year old law given by Moses Deut.17:6
"at the mouth of two witnesses or of three witnesses the one dying should be put to death .He will not be put to death at the mouth of one witness."
Surely society has come a long way in caring for children and adults these past 4000 years. , if anyone condones this then they might as well condone the barbaric actions of Isis , Muslim extremists for adherring to hundreds of years old scriptures.
by UnDisfellowshipped in1: what is the official watchtower society child abuse policy?.
22: are child molesters ever allowed to go door-to-door alone?
35: (very important question) is it true that former governing body member leo greenlees was removed from the governing body for a molesting a child?
Bumped in the light of the latest ARC case 54 .
Questions that were raised 14 years ago and it seems nothing has changed
Some excellent questions that were raised then about the two witness rule .
And some other very pertinent questions that are still not addressed even today.
This would have been a great thread for the ARC to sift through.
The reality of "shunning" and character assasination highlighted at the Australian Royal Commission
by stuckinarut2 inonce again, the arc has brilliantly highlighted the reality that any witness who either fades or disassociates is subjected to active official shunning by the organization.. the "brothers" tried to state that it was the choice of the indiviual who steps away from the organization to shun them!
they actually tried to make it out to be the fault of the one who leaves!
then they tried to say that those who fade are not shunned!.
Spinks and O`brien might try to pull the wool over the eyes of the ARC , but they are too smart to fall for that trap.
The 2 JW`s were pathetic in their response to the ARC.
And its great to know that this expose of the JW religion is going all around the world that should help other honest hearted ones to just walk away from this mind controlling religion and live their own life.
ARC Case Study 54 - Witness List published for 10 March 2017
by jwleaks inhttp://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/case-study/10908a67-70c5-4103-94cc-dac096fdb585/case-study-54,-march-2017,-sydney.