Then their was the ABC Muslim woman presenter who made the inappropiate remarks about the ANZAC tradition /sacrifice on social media trying to gain political points for her cause.
she was the one who on ABC National TV advocated that Islam was the most peaceful religion.
It is something that all Australians /new Zealenders can be proud of that in this day and age so many old and especially young honour those that have fought and died for the freedoms we in Australia enjoy today.
Imperial Japan was the biggest threat to New Guinea , Australia and New Zealand and I for one would not like to have lived under Imperial Japan of the 1940`s and I thank our armed forces for preventing that.
For you young ones read some books on Japanese occupations of China "The rape of Nanking" for example
and their treatment of POW`s in the phillipines ,Borneo etc.
I dont hold a grudge against Japanese people of today it was a culture they were brought up under and they were indoctrinated .
Maybe in a hundred years time if I was still alive I would say the same thing about nations that support Islam.