Your pulling our leg stuckinarut2 surely you jest ?This surely is not condoned by the WT Organization .
Posts by smiddy
Hi all (again)
by TheLittleGuy inhi everyone,.
just wanted to reintroduce myself.
i was minnow on jwr and when it got shut down i took the opportunity to go quiet as things were starting to get uncomfortable as far as trying to maintain 100% anonymity.. now i'm back and hoping to reconnect with my old friends, like helen travers, tony brock and others.. hope you are all well..
Welcome little guy ,look forward to your posts.and getting to know you
A JW explains Blood Fractions
by OrphanCrow ini was looking around from some information on the wt's stance concerning the use of stem cells, and i came across this article on a defending jehovah's witnesses blog.. rather than informing the reader all that much about stem cells, the author diverts the conversation into a discussion of "blood fractions" (*note: the term "blood fractions" appears to be another one of those wt bloodspeak terms coined by the wt.
"blood components" or "blood products" are the terms used more frequently by the medical world.
"fractions" implies tiny amounts).
Doesnt the Bible say words to the effect that :
"blood is not to be stored and that it is to be poured out on the ground " ?
Doesnt that rule out collecting blood ,processing it in a laboratory into fractions ,then storing it again to be used at some later date by a Jehovahs Witness who refuses Blood products ?
Just asking.
Funeral plan ?
by Chook into all you young and old alike what would you have as a farewell party from this earth , would you party with friends months before or would you go out quietly and rather have input into the wake.
i have heard of these duck hunters who put their ashes in shotgun shells.
I just hope I have some useful organs left that get donated to somebody who can benefit from them, as for anything else I dont give a shit ,because I`ll be dead.
At least I`m happy in the thought that if my life has never meant anything to anybody ,then hopefuly my death will mean something to somebody.
2017 Convention Video Remember The Wife Of Lot
by pale.emperor in
the dad in this is a total douche.
i dont know if the videos have become more judgemental and culty in the year since i left - or maybe im just noticing it more?.
Well thats one video I wont be watching ,thanks for the reviews.
Sounds like an orgy was going on
How Far Up The Ladder Did You Go In JW Land?
by minimus ini pretty much did it all.
vacation pioneered as a youngster and became a regular pioneer out of school.
i became a ms then an elder.....the organization pushes you to be somebody within the confines of their realm.
I became a MS but wasnt interested in becoming an Elder ,my philosophy in life was to be a middle roader I didnt want to lead the cavalry and I didnt want to be the last soldier .
Solar power
by pepperheart inhi its been on the bbc website that in the uk they got 25% of the power that the whole country needed for friday just from solar power alone.
When Solar panels were first introduced here in Australia their seemed to be big benefits to those who took advantage of them ,however I dont think the same advantages apply today.
Some saying it will take them another ten years before they recieve any benefits from going Solar .
And we all know how revolving Govts. change things ,how can householders trust anything they say.
You must have been a bad boy Chook according to JW`s but a good boy according to the world.
Are Jehovah's Witnesses Mind Numbingly Boring To You?
by minimus ini honestly think they are the most boring people on earth!
even when they produce their so called "new light", there's no excitement.
jws just do their thing and refuse to think about their useless lives.
From my experience many of the old timers never watch the news unless its related to some catastrophe around the world that reinforces their belief how bad the world is and how close we are to armageddon .
This head in the sand approach to anything unrelated to watchtowerism was evident when the Elder at the ARC when asked if he had read or seen previous testimony presented said no he had not and gave a feeble excuse why he had not.
Their was an article in a mag,once that said much the same thing in that the only news you should be interested in was in the back of the magazine "watching The World"
Of course that news was about 3-6 months old and biased to WT propoganda.