Thank you David Jay ,
I appreciate the Jewish perspective coming from someone who obviously understands better than Christian scholars how the Jews view things relating especially to the Old Testament / Hebrew Scriptures.and the use of the Tetragrammaton.
I can understand but dont agree with the Christian Scholars having an agenda in playing down the Jewish view while promoting Jesus Christ in the New Testament /Christian Greek Scriptures.
They are looking after their own interests.
With regard to Jehovahs Witnesses using the name Jehovah in the new testament /Christian Greek Scriptures they published a word for word translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures ( The Kingdom Interlinear ) a couple of decades ago and nowhere is the tetragrammaton ,the four hebrew letters representing Gods name found their .Nor is their any Greek letters that substitute for the four hebrew letters representing Gods name found in the word for word translation.
So their is no basis for the WTB&TS to insert the name Jehovah in the Christian Greek Scriptures using their own publication. ( KI)
None of the Apostles or any of the Gospel writers or anyone else including Jesus ever uttered the name Jehovah nor did anyone utter the four hebrew letters of the tetragrammaton to infer such in the Christian Greek Scriptures.