We tend to believe what we want to believe in spite of the facts.
Posts by smiddy
The power of cognitive dissonance
by joe134cd ini've been watching this reality tv program called "catfish".
it deals with people who have had a rough deal with internet dating e.g fake profile, money scams etc.
any way there was one episode that really stuck out to me that made me realized the power of cognitive dissonance in dealing with jws.
Breaking News, London: Van Ploughs into Pedestrians
by Simon in3 male passengers then get out and start stabbing / shooting people according to early reports.. but it could have been anyone for any reason, who knows, possibly jehovahs witnesses or amish.. maybe we'll never know the reason but i'm sure there will be people praying for those involved and hashtags.. thus solving the problem once and for all.. just "life in a big city" according to the muslim mayor of london, sadiq khan..
All terroist attacks in the western world these past few years are all related to Muslims either home grown or coming in as refugees .
And the governments pussyfoot around about identyfying the source /core of the problem.
Blind freddy can see it .
Western nations will rue the day they let so many Muslims /terroists into their country for years if not decades to come.
How can angels be sexually attracted to women?
by Island Man inthe nephilim account in genesis is utterly ridiculous when you consider that angels are sex-less beings and would therefore lack sex-drive and romantic attraction.
think of how difficult it is for humans with a sex drive to be sexually attracted to animals.
now take away that sex drive and it becomes literally impossible.
Some of the sexless Angels were attracted to women yes ? and none of the sexless Angels who were attracted to women were attracted to males ?right ?
What does that tell us? In my mind it might indicate that the Bible writers were all heterosexuall men who secretly lusted after women and that their were no Angels with homosexual tendencies,
or were there .
Good point Island Man ,how did we ever take the Bible seriously.
Can You Trust the News Media? - Awake! 2013
by Funchback ini have stripped it down to this:.
many journalists and the organizations they work for have expressed a commitment to producing accurate and informative reports.
yet, there is reason for concern.
Can You Trust the News Media? - Awake! 2013
They have to be kidding me !
The WTB&TS /Jehovahs witnesses have been re-inventing their history since C.T.Russell startered his religion in the late 1800`s.
Then called the international bible Students ascotiation.They have never been honest about anything they have previously posted in their publications ,except to say it was old light .In other words it was untrue, false what they said previously.
So why would anybody believe anything they say now.
I vaguely remmber this time ,what year was it again ? and the leader/politician of the day ? In the 1960`s ?
A big deal at the time.
Quebec was a staunch Catholic part of Canada if I remember correctly and no friend of the Jehovahs Witnesses no doubt because of the on-going attack on the Roman Catholic Church by the Jehovahs Witnesses since their inception in the late 1800`s .
Strange that , since it was the Catholic Church who named the God of the Bible Jehovah .
If a person is transgender and gets saved what will they go to heaven as?
by Nikorasu95 ini know this is a stupid question because the answer is obvious, but if a person was born a male and gets transgender surgery to turn into female will that person go to heaven as a male or female if they died saved?
i think they will go to heaven with the gender they were born with.
Every illustration I have ever seen in WT publications of those in heaven are men with beards .
Now isnt that ironic ?
What ever happened to the females who have/ or ever had a heavenly calling ?
Especially in western lands anybody with a beard is spiritually weak not worthy of a privelidge in a KH let alone a heavenly resurrection.
In answer to your question its obvious a person who is transgender ,lesbian ,homosexual , women , or even Bi-sexual ,should they ever be admitted to heaven they would be males with a beard .
It`s evidently shown in Watchtower publications with illustrations of those in heaven always with men with beards.
How ballroom dancing helped our exit
by Finally Left injust wanted to say hello and thank you for all of your comments.
when i finally figured out this was not the truth it was nice to know i wasn't the only one - it was a surprise to learn how many there are.
february was my last month of service after 43 active years.
Welcome to the board Finally left & your hubby to be free of a cult after so many years
How Do You Get Most of Your News?
by minimus ini read that many people get their news from facebook.
i look online mostly at fox news and the drudge report.
very seldom do i look at cnn.😎.
Their is not one news source I rely on .I watch and read news from a variety of different sources as I try to get a balance on things.
Talk to my Dad about beards.
by LovingLifeNow inso i spoke to my elder dad the other day, and he asked if i still am sporting a beard.
i said yes, then i said, "i thought the society said its ok to have a neat trimmed beard now?
" he said "no, no, no..if you read the article , it says in countries where it is accepted" so my response was "ummm, its pretty accepted here in america"..which he says "it reflects your spirituality" "if another wittness saw you, they would know you are weak"...i was like, "ok, i don't get it, and i follow christ/god, not men..." then he said in his hall" if a brother came in with a beard , he would not have privelages" then i just gave up, and tried to change the subject..ugggggggggg if these people would just listen to themselves , they would see the sillyness of there teachings...
Jehovahs Witnesses claim to follow the Bible except , where beards are concerned .
I knew a sister who had a beard and she wasn`t told to shave it off ?
My last talk
by Normalfulla inso i was recalling my last talk , it was something to do with finding jehovah's treasures or something anyhow in my prep i decided to google "real life treasure maps " and i came across the copper scroll which was found with the dead sea scrolls https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/copper_scroll and i described the real life treasure map etc and of course likened it to the bible as if it were a treasure map to life (duh) anyway afterwards an elder present at my talk said "i wouldn't believe everything u read on the internet" .
i was totally pissed off by his comments as though if it didn't come from a wt publication it can't be trusted as true , this was before i woke up but i was so incensed by his comments it messed with me that he would doubt my research and then ..... i woke up but that wasn't what did it just an.event along the way.