The four posters above say it all ,what more can be said.
Posts by smiddy
Armenia’s Jehovah’s Witnesses: ‘enemies of the state’
by AndersonsInfo intp://
armenia’s jehovah’s witnesses: ‘enemies of the state’.
JW Cart encounter
by Listener ini've seen very few carts in western australia.
the only one i have seen is near the front entrance of the perth royal hospital and on the several occasions that i have seen it, they are there all day, at least during the week.
i've stopped and had long conversations twice now and both times when i have approached them they've told me to take whatever publications interest me and then we've started talking.this last visit i brought up the royal commission.
An interesting encounter Listener ,i`m on the other side of the continent in East gippsland and I havent come across a JW cart here at all .
It seemed obvious to me that neither of them had actually seen the videos of the ARC but only relating what they had heard 2nd or 3rd hand.
The JW was quick to tell me how the Commission praised them for being so organized. In fact they were the most organized of all organizations because they had copious notes prepared and lists of details.
How he could make this statement boggles the mind.
“Tree of good and bad” means what?
by venus inif “tree of good and bad” were literal, it would mean adam and eve would know what is “good and bad” only after eating of that tree.
however, even before eating of it, they would think “it is good for us to eat of this tree” which means they are already endowed knowledge of “good and bad.” that means “tree of good and bad” is symbolic of something.. since religious organizations interpret this differently, each reader has to adopt his own conclusion.
for me it looks like this: one thinks of good and bad in relation to himself—if something is beneficial for him he would say it is good for him, and bad for him if it is not beneficial.
Maybe Satan is not an evil Angel but the evil that resides in God.Remember God said "here the man has become like one of us knowing good and bad"
If I understand things correctly Satan as a fallen angel is a christian concept and one not accepted by the Jews .
Will Charles Taze Russell be Resurrected With a Beard?
by Cold Steel inthe scriptures say all will be resurrected, some to eternal life, others to judgment.
so i wondered what's going to happen to those who wore beards during mortality?
picture if charles taze russell was resurrected and came face to face with joseph rutherford, second president of twt (the whole tamale) and the instigator of the beardless policy.
Not only have all the male annointed brothers but also all the female annionted sisters that are depicted in illustrations in the Watchtower publications ,they are all depicted in heaven as having beards , male and female.
Can anybody show me a WT article with an illustration of the annointed in heaven where a woman is depicted without a beard .?
A JW apologist might suggest that their is no gender among Angels or the annointed who go to heaven .
Well if that is the case why do the Jehovahs Witnesses in their illustrations always portray them as men with beards ?
And no women to be seen.?
Have You Ever Found Yourself Really Not Liking Someone Here?
by minimus ini've been on this board for years.
99% of the posters here i do not personally know.
a few, maybe not so do posters here get you upset to the point that you really don't like them?
I cant say I have ever not liked anybody here ,how can you dislike someone you have never met ?
You may not agree with what someone says maybe over and over but does that mean you dont like the person or just what he/she posts ? on a given subject.?
EG. I made a post about cold steel and his/her pushing their views on Mormonism with what I percieved rightly or wrongly as trying to convert some people, and as I saw it again rightly or wrongly over a long period of time
I dont dislike cold steel i dont know him/her ,its quite possible their are some points CS may make and I could possibly agree 100% with him/her.
We are human we have different views we should be big enough,mature enough to accept that without dividing ourselves into this faction or that faction.
Just my 2 cents worth.
If King of North/South was true, would it be about Islam?
by Bad_Wolf inreading it in daniel 11, especially towards the end, 11:40-45, if king of the north would be christianity/usa/jews(if they do control usa), and king of the south, islam.
in those end the king of the south is mainly an irritant.
not much power, and the king of the north has big armies and power, so overtakes the middle east.
Well Fink,given Daniels prophecy is about the time of the end we can project it to this 21st century.
You know WT lingo ,type and anti-type ,now does that make much more sense ?
Bad_Wolf and waton ,you guys get my vote to be on the list to be the next in line to be GB members if not then at least to be on the writing department.
They need people like you with vision ,I`m sorry Holy spirit
Between the two of you a new Daniel book of new light should be forthcoming soon we all look forward to it .
It cant be any worse or off the mark than any previous books on prophecy that the WTB&TS have previously published these past 130 years . Go for it .
{ Disclaimer :no offence to Finkelstein,waton,or Bad_Wolf with this post ,my apologies.}
Why hasn't the WT spoken out as loudly about Islam as it has catholics?
by Bad_Wolf inmuslims are now outnumbering catholics.
could the gb be all talk, and afraid if they spoke out against them, the last words they would hear at one of their talks would be "aloha snackbar!"?
Good question Bad_Wolf
,The WT/GB identified the Roman catholic church / the Pope as the Anti-christ setting themselves up in opposition to Jesus christ as the vicar of Christ on earth.
How about Islam claiming Mohammed is a greater prophet than Jesus Christ ? And arent they the Muslims the fastest growing religion in the world today ?
And by all accounts they are making greater inroads into western society /Christendom with migration and refugee /asylum placements in an unprecedented scale as never before.
And as pointed out by waton "Babylon The Great" did not fall in 1918 , but is alive and thriving in 2017
Another failed prophecy uttered by the WT/GB/JW religion.
How many failed prophecys does that make now ,I`ve lost count.
Why does this forum tolerate Cold steele and his mormonism beliefs ? Who`s next ?
by smiddy ini thought this forum was for people who were ex jw`s and pro jw`s and the like to debate ,discuss and reasonably talk about our differences ,and sometimes drift off into politics world events and whatever.. however over a period of time i have come across cold steel `s many posts which are nothing more than promoting his mormon religions point of view./beliefs what has that got to do with jehovahs witnesses and the concerns many have with the jw religion.?.
it seems to me he is using this forum to promote his religion and is getting away with it over a long period of time.. how long before other cult religions see this as a springboard for promoting their own religion such as .
sda`s ,christian scientists , christadelphians ,beroean bible students ,etc.etc.. where will it end if he is able to keep doing this ?.
You have to hand it to ( s)punk LOL
Complete this sentence with only one word: THE TIME REMAINING IS...
by steve2 inthe time remaining is... elastic.. .
stash: /
The time remaining is timely
The bizarreness of Genesis 6:2
by doubtfull1799 in"the sons of the true god began to notice that the daughters of men were beautiful.
so they began taking as wives all whom they chose.".
it may be feasible to some to accept the bible's assertion that the first humans were tempted to pursue independence from god, especially since they were created in his image and he is independent from any authority.
An angel materialising as a human and having sex and producing an offspring ?
Then whats the difference between Gods creating humans and fallen Angels materialising as humans.?
They both eat ,they both shit , they both prioduce sperm they both produce offspring.Whats the difference ?
A good point is that they never materialised as females ,why not ?
Simply because this mythology was written by males that were not under the influence of gays at that time.