If their are any of the annointed in Heaven that were females here on earth they now all have beards ,just check out any WT illustration depicting those in heaven.
And if their is no gender in heaven why have they all got beards.
a couple of months ago this crazy gb member via video gave a talk about their would be princes in the new order but no princesses.
i thought that was so funny.
especially after he beated around the bush the whole talk, finally saying in the last sentence their would be princes but no princesses in the new system,then the video just blacked out.
If their are any of the annointed in Heaven that were females here on earth they now all have beards ,just check out any WT illustration depicting those in heaven.
And if their is no gender in heaven why have they all got beards.
reading it in daniel 11, especially towards the end, 11:40-45, if king of the north would be christianity/usa/jews(if they do control usa), and king of the south, islam.
in those end the king of the south is mainly an irritant.
not much power, and the king of the north has big armies and power, so overtakes the middle east.
Time and unforseen occurrences befall us all Bad Wolf ,or is it coincidence ?the God of this system of things throwing us a curve ?surely its not "true prophecy ,what he fortells comes to be"?
Or maybe its the" British Israelites" or the" Worldwide Church of God" the" PlainTruth" magazine or any number of other" EndTime" religions that all have similar themes that sprung up towards the end of the 18th Century.
A number of religions believe in the literal fullfillment of the Jews returning to Israel/Jerusalem however JW`s dont they see it as symbolic a spiritual interpretation is given to those prophecys.
if “tree of good and bad” were literal, it would mean adam and eve would know what is “good and bad” only after eating of that tree.
however, even before eating of it, they would think “it is good for us to eat of this tree” which means they are already endowed knowledge of “good and bad.” that means “tree of good and bad” is symbolic of something.. since religious organizations interpret this differently, each reader has to adopt his own conclusion.
for me it looks like this: one thinks of good and bad in relation to himself—if something is beneficial for him he would say it is good for him, and bad for him if it is not beneficial.
One other thing that came to my mind about this story.
According to the Bible Jehovah god created all things relating to the garden of Eden right ? So he must have also gave the snake the power to talk/communicate with Eve ?
If Satan gave the snake the power to talk/communicate with Eve he must have been on an equal footing with Jehovah ,as Jehovah said to his peers "the man has become like one of us" Gen.3:22
That is also a good point dogisgood ,thats what my teenage son would say to me many years ago the tree of life is the one Eve should have eaten from.
this 5 minute ted video perfectly explains what a cult it.
it does not mention jws, but perfectly aligns with them.
it is put in a manner that would make some understand why jws are considered a cult.
I agree with you jwfacts it does fit the JW`s like a glove
i was approached by two jehovah’s witness elders who handed me a pamphlet advertising the jw .org website.
each man carried a bible and an apple ipad.
they told me that they enjoyed visiting with people about the bible, and asked if i was a bible reader.
Well done roger and welcome to this site.
tragic occurrence:.
i saw another report indicating that the gunman may have targetting gop members.
So smiddy.... lets say you had your way and somehow every firearm disappeared from the world tomorrow. Would murder stop? Do you think violent crime would really be reduced significantly? Was the world a more peaceful place before guns were invented?
No of course not ,but does everybody having a gun stop the scenario you have provided above ? no of course not.
Fix the issues that plagues our inner cities, and gun control becomes unnecessary.
Agreed ,do that and you can get rid of everybody needing to carry a gun and some nutter goes off half cocked and kills innocent people.
No brainer
why would watchtower sue stratton ohio, and then laud it over and over in their books?
the town doesn't even have 300 people, why would they pick on such a small town.
they are promoting it so much at this week's meeting.
Welcome John Davis , glad to have you on board.
The Court notes that the Witnesses explained that they “derive their authority to preach from Scripture.”
Arent JW`s also under the authority from scripture to be in subjection to the Superior Authorities and to go against such authority is to go against the arrangement of God jehovah ? Rom chap.13
tragic occurrence:.
i saw another report indicating that the gunman may have targetting gop members.
Imagine if all of the western world adapted the same principle of the USA `s wording of the 2nd amendment that every citizen has the right to carry firearms.(and apparently use them as they saw fit)
Imagine the carnage in Australia ,Europe ,britain and anywhere else on the globe if this were the case.
The USA is living in a time warp of the "Old West" that they are reluctant to shake off .
It`s about time they came into the 21st Century and discarded these outdated ideas and joined the modern era.and discarded this long past use by date amendment.
Its a stain on the American Flag (a bloodstain)
armenia’s jehovah’s witnesses: ‘enemies of the state’.
The four posters above say it all ,what more can be said.
i've seen very few carts in western australia.
the only one i have seen is near the front entrance of the perth royal hospital and on the several occasions that i have seen it, they are there all day, at least during the week.
i've stopped and had long conversations twice now and both times when i have approached them they've told me to take whatever publications interest me and then we've started talking.this last visit i brought up the royal commission.
An interesting encounter Listener ,i`m on the other side of the continent in East gippsland and I havent come across a JW cart here at all .
It seemed obvious to me that neither of them had actually seen the videos of the ARC but only relating what they had heard 2nd or 3rd hand.
The JW was quick to tell me how the Commission praised them for being so organized. In fact they were the most organized of all organizations because they had copious notes prepared and lists of details.
How he could make this statement boggles the mind.