As you rightly pointed out Lynnie they are going their anyway so why would your mother have to pay anything.?
They are just cheapskates who want a free ride for themselves .
so i went to visit my jw aging mother this week (i've been df'd for 40 years) and she told me she needs to give the people who are taking her to the convention $10 each day of the convention to cover gas?
my uber elder cousin told her she needs to do this!!!
As you rightly pointed out Lynnie they are going their anyway so why would your mother have to pay anything.?
They are just cheapskates who want a free ride for themselves .
i was raised a catholic from birth to age 15, that's when my dad started to study with some jw's that came to our door.
i was too young/ naive to notice how my lifelong friends were slowly being replaced with so called " outstanding spiritual youths".. anyway, there was randy and kevin, the sons of the po from the hall, everyone thought that they were the most spiritual people i could hang out with.
these guys taught me the fine points of :.
It was far more common than JW`s want to believe leading this double life and that was back in the 60`s to 80`s ,so how much more common is it now I wonder..
another recent topic got me thinking.
has there ever been any kind of study of the ratio of male to female anointed?
if the female anointed will be co-rulers in heaven with morris and company, why are they not represented as gb members and helpers before armageddon arrives?.
Women are second rate citizens in the JW religion in spite of what the GB say..
Women have no say or role in the hirearchy of the JW religion here on earth either in HQ the abode of the GB or in congregations around the world.
Yet the Bible clearly states women will rule with christ in Heaven in his Kingdom for a thousand years .
When the JW`s illustrate the heavenly class ruling with JC in heaven they all have beards not one woman among them ?
Jw`s frown on men having beards here on earth in the congregation but it is apparently OK for Angels/resurrected annointed brothers and sisters who rule with Jesus Christ to have beards in heaven ?
doesnt this reasoning of the JW/ WT boggle the nind ?
we have been told there's no place else to go.
and to some degree mentally speaking, that is true especially if you were raised in the religion.
at 50 i was out of the organization's clutches.
When I look back now yes I am surprised I stayed in as long as I did..I had signs that things were not what they seemed in the ealiest years of my conversion .The trouble is I wanted to believe it was true despite the warning signs.And i brushed those things aside because Jehovah would sort it out in due time.
After my eventuall exit 33 years later and getting a PC did I learn more about the WT/JW religion than I ever new as a sincere believer.
Thankfully the internet has also taught me a helluva lot about the Bible that I never knew as a believing JW.
Of course he`s a window cleaner what else would he be ? a rocket scientist ? A brain surgeon ?
or just a gullble shmuck like the rest of us who converted to this religion.
yes god directs our writings but they're not inspired, so gods directions are staggered and overlapping , so the genuine innocent believing jw has a wonderful life of overlapping bullshit.
so next time you meet a jw priest ask them what is the difference between being directed and inspired, then i promise you will hear first hand an example of overlapping bull..
Thats a good point chook ,if the GB are directed by Holy Spirit then surely they would have be inspired by God.
Otherwise being inspired by God or being directed by God ,or being directed/inspired by the Holy Spirit makes no sense at all
Good questions to throw at JW`s when they knock on your door.
anything i should be aware of?
i am not sure i will go, since i just moved away from home a month ago.
it is not cheap to travel 250km and pay for hotel here in denmark, and i am not exactly rich.
Their is an old saying "their is nothing new under the sun "
Their is certainly nothing new you will be going to hear at the convention that has not been regurgitated decades before.
Save yourself money and time by not going ,you will be the winner if you dont go.
Yes , they will ask you for your money
well now; filming on the set of 'planet of the apes' was a blast.
being the 'muscle' in general aldo's militia was a great opportunity for kicking some serious butt.
i'm looking forward to having another crack at it.. .
How many times do I have to tell you ,nobody created us ,we are all a product of evolution .All of life.
i said god is not giving them much of a chance to hear his message, i think it's one to 3 million ratio.
i said if wt paid prime internet space they could beam their propaganda to everyone instantly, then you could show the world mr lett live , and explain how he is to rule the world from heaven.
then i asked that god seems to like the anglo nations , i should of asked how many chinese and indian are on the gb..
I believe that every year the ratio between JW`s and the population of nations especially in the west is ever getting larger and larger .
The population increase /migrants / Asylum seekers etc around the western world their are fewer JW`s witnessing to a far bigger population .
And the trend is going to get greater and bigger the ratio between JW`s and the population.
i have not been to a meeting for about 2 years now.
i do not intend to go back but one thing has me baffled.
why do ones that have faded and been out for years return?
Firstly ,welcome to the forum moreconfusedthanever,(mcte) thats a mouthfull LOL
OK, I have a theory to answer your question : It is that for many people indoctrinated over many years /born ins included it becomes deeply ingrained in their sub-conscience
For one reason or another that they leave the religion or just stop attending meetings etc.for however how long ,
remember they have not disowned the religion they have just become inactive .
Time has passed and again for one reason or another they want to re-connect with the religion of Jehovahs witnesses.
Remember they have never disowned or bad mouthed JW`s previously they had just faded away or was DF for some reason that they believe was justified anyway.
To put it in a nutshell here is how I see it.
Jehovahs Witnesses have left the (religion/truth) however the (truth/religion ) has never left them
However I`m more inclined to believe the dog has returned to its vomit .