So sorry to hear this witness 007 my thoughts are with you in this trying time.
Its nothing short of criminal this blood doctrine under the guise of religion they should be prosecuted.for it.
mum has a mild form of lukeimia if she took blood like normal people she could live to be 100. but no, anointed sisters dont compromise jehovah wont allow it.
so here i am moving to sydney for one month going to hospital everyday putting my life on hold to watch my mother die slowly.
watching her gasp for air, struggle to breath.
So sorry to hear this witness 007 my thoughts are with you in this trying time.
Its nothing short of criminal this blood doctrine under the guise of religion they should be prosecuted.for it.
hi everyone.. well, i have some good news.
after having a terrible moment arguing with my mom about the 1914 teaching and all it evolves (she get really upset and i felt great regret for starting the argument) she came to me next day and started talking with a much more open mind, and she talked about a lot of concerns too.. she and my father naivily expressed the wish to write to bethel to ask about 607bc.
i told in all the possible ways it wouldn't work.
Ray Frankz sending a letter to the Governing Body pointing out their flaws in doctrine could be likened to sending a letter to a Mafia boss that he could be breaking the law.
The GB are not delusional ,they know full well they are not directed by Holy Spirit and that they are not operating under the guidance of the Holy Spirit ,
They have admitted to not being inspired by God and not directed by Gods Holy Spirit.that they are imperfect and make mistakes.
And the videos of the Australian Royal Comission also show that the Australian Governing Body member G.Jackson can lie under oath.
When asked by counsel if Jehovahs Witnesses considered themselves the only "true"religion ,his reply was "That would be presumptuous of him to say that "?
Also Vincent Toole a JW and a legal representative of the WT organization when asked by counsel about shunning said "I have heard about it but I dont know what it means" another lie. under a person of responsability high up in the organization
The JW`s are no more directed by God than are the Mormons ,Seventh Day Adventists or the Christadephians.or any other religion.
bbc news website has this linked on front page..
Maybe all jehovahs witnesses will dismiss this article ,most of them are a lost cause anyway .Who cares ?
They bought their ticket ,they know what they are getting into,and they will suffer the consequences.
However the general public will more likely , because of this article dismiss the JW`s as a cult to be avoided .
And that is who I am most concerned about.
Their not interested in the nitty gritty of who is right and who is wrong ,dotting the I`s and crossing the T`s .
The average person ,not a JW will just dismiss the religion as another lot of fruitcakes.
And i think thats a great outcome.
bbc news website has this linked on front page..
Hi Slim and others replying .I think we need to give the journalist a bit of slack here ,they are ignorant of the nuances of JW speak.
( even JW`s are LOL)
I think in both cases their were other factors that came into play for them being disfellowshiped ,such as the questioning of blood transfusions ,only 144000 going to heaven ,and also the belief that we are living in the last days and Armageddon is imminent.
Disbelieving any of these is grounds for disfellowshiping when voicing those concerns to anybody else.And any other concern they may have raised with their Elders that was not noted by the journalist.
Just saying
bbc news website has this linked on front page..
The more this policy of the Jehovahs Witnesses gets advertised the better ,the general public need to be aware of what they could be getting into by joining this religion .
humor plays a big part in a lot of humanity and we all like a good laugh but as far as i'm aware god's supposed word has no actual humor ,of course apart from being a joke itself ,why wasn't there a passage or something like "jesus farted and giggles broke out among them " or something, is anyone aware of any notations of humor ?
all to.serious really.
How about Samson catching 300 foxes and" to take torches and turn tail to tail and put one torch between two tails right in the middle 5 with that he set fire to the torches and sent them out into the fields of standing grain of the philistines..Thus he set on fire everything from the sheaf to standing grain and the vineyards and the olive groves".
Have Jw`s ever considered the logistics of acheiving this feat ?
But then of course is the magical "Jehovah " he can do anything !
He obviously had plenty to do and say in the first 4000 years of human history ,if you believe the JW`s when humans were more closer to Adamic perfection but alas when we humans are far more removed from the Adamic perfection for these past 2000 years he has been inactive and completely silent.
You would think that the furtherest we are from the Adamic pefection he would be giving us more reasons to have faith and believe in him with the likes of what he did in pre-christian times.?
i have successfully faded but my dad can't help but witness to me, so i have decided to do my research and answer him from the bible when he tries to get his point across.. so on my last visit to my parents house, he was trying to tell me that the jw's have the right religion because they go house to house, and got me to read luke chapter 10, so as he is reading it i said, isn't this interesting because in verse 7 says says don't from from house to house.. he couldn't cope with it and started saying i am taking it out of context, i replied this is what the scripture says.
even when it is written in black and white and they are the ones quoting the scriptures they still can see it.. he then said that i am unwilling to see the truth and could not talk any longer, go figure..
The mormons go house to house the Seventh Day Adventists go house to house Baptist s go house to house as do many other religious organisations .
Its a bit pedantic to argue over who does the most D2D work ,how do JW`s think the mainstream religions such as the Roman Catholic s/ Church of England have over a Billion members by just sitting back passively waiting for the next convert to come along ?
Of course not they sent out missionaries "witnesses" among the people to gain these converts equivalent to D2D work.
And the same is true of most other religions they go out among the people and drum up memberships.
edit to add : Jehovahs Witnesses believe what they want to believe , in spite of what the facts tell them.
They also violate the scripture in Psalm 146:3 Do not put your trust in nobles Nor in the son of earthling man to whom no salvation belongs "
When they put their trust in the Jehovahs Witness leadership the Governing Body
what is the minimum meeting attendace for someone, who is of good health, has not children doesn't work in a job that requires travel and lives about 3 miles from the kh?
is 50% for clam and 75% for watchtower acceptable?.
OR how much money he has .
has anyone else had a moment, while still within the organization (and before learning ttatt) that caused them to stop and go, "this is kind of messed up.".
for instance, back i believe in the early 2000's, i was attending a dc with my family.
it was announced at the beginning of the convention that there was going to be a special announcement at the end, so for everyone to please try to remain until the very end of the meeting.
My WTF moment came when the "Revelation" book came out dealing with the seven trumpets and linking that scripture to the 1922 Cedar Point Ohio Convention and the suceeding conventions that followed .
My initial reaction was are they serious ? This scripture has its fullfillment with conventions of JW`s starting in 1922?
I think that was the beginning of the end for me even though it took many more years for me to call it quits.
humor plays a big part in a lot of humanity and we all like a good laugh but as far as i'm aware god's supposed word has no actual humor ,of course apart from being a joke itself ,why wasn't there a passage or something like "jesus farted and giggles broke out among them " or something, is anyone aware of any notations of humor ?
all to.serious really.
I think the humour lies in the amount of Bible Commentaries ,Dictionaries ,Translations ,Theological discussions , Hebrew scholars ,Greek Scholars ,Jewish Scholars ,35000+ Christian sects and denominations in the world today :
AND GOD IS MUTE. ......?
As if imperfect humans who havent got a clue needs to speak for the creator ? who obviously cant speak for himself ?
And by the way he doesnt correct any of these multiple conflicting theories/interpretations /translations etc,of anything he is supposed to have overseen in Gods word the Bible.
If thats not funny I dont know what is.