It was interesting to read that blood fractions are made out of whole blood.
And that whole blood is donated by the general population who JW`s condemn as being a part of Satans world including Christendom.
By the way Welcome NJ501
hi all,i've been doing some research on blood transfusions and fractions.
i found out a patient can donate their own blood, so it can be used for elective surgery...i was wondering if theirs really any difference between a blood transfusion of your own blood and the blood salvage procedure.
i think quite similar since its just a re-transfusion of your own blood.. what are your thoughts?
And that whole blood is donated by the general population who JW`s condemn as being a part of Satans world including Christendom.
By the way Welcome NJ501
https://www.facebook.com/tupuebloesmipueblojehova/videos/578539175868967/?hc_ref=arrvbqq6myd5outlusr6zufmvffwsvr_duxl_fdriuhhniiuesiylhi43gybtziknxwthis video gave me cancer..
It never ceasers to amaze me how they can condemn christendom for certain practices for many years or even decades and then inexplicably they are engaging in the very same practices they once condemned ?
ATM`s at Conventions.
Never soliciting for money ? ( Always.) At assemblys .conventions , and on JW.Org
TV/Video screens at KH`s and conventions
TV Evangelism
GB sanctioned worldly music and worldly music ,& dancing at conventions .(other wise it wouldnt take place )
and videos `s of GB members participating.
And their is probably more.
hi all,i've been doing some research on blood transfusions and fractions.
i found out a patient can donate their own blood, so it can be used for elective surgery...i was wondering if theirs really any difference between a blood transfusion of your own blood and the blood salvage procedure.
i think quite similar since its just a re-transfusion of your own blood.. what are your thoughts?
I`m going back over 30 years ago when the understanding then of the scriptures relating to blood was:
"blood was to be poured out on the ground ,and not to be used for anything "
Blood and Bone Fertilizer was not even to be used by a JW on their gardens ,it was a DF offence. to continually use it.
Jehovah God has not revised the Bible these past 2000 years .
How is it ,noting that by their own admission the GB is not inspired or directed by Holy Spirit they can re-interpret scriptures to allow fractions ? of this and that ? and ban other components of blood ? as not acceptable ?
When did Jehovah intervene and tell them about fractions /components of blood and what is acceptable and what is not.?
Especially so when they admit they can make mistakes ? their not perfect ?
They are not inspired by Jehovah ,their not directed by Jehovah ,so where do they get off telling us what is acceptable to God and what is not ?
march 22, 2017 to all convention committees re: discontinuation of physical distribution of convention releases.
Just another evidence of the decline of the JW religion. cutbacks ,cutbacks,cutbacks are the norm nowadays.
i ran a search and it seems that this was not posted before, there are 5 pages of criminal cases involving jws.. in the following criminal cases, the watchtower society - jehovah's witnesses religion served as the spiritual element of the perpetrator's and/or other actor's formative environment, or otherwise served as a major influencer of the perpetrator's and/or other actor's behavior.
the following cases are often tragic, and speak for themselves.. http://jwdivorces.bravehost.com/familicide4.html.
Thanks Hecce ,the jehovahs Witnesses take the moral high ground over other religions so they should be called out on it.
And I would suggest that they are on a par with society in general and if not they would score higher per capita.
Another thing is these cases only deal with crimes Jw`s commit against other JW`s and is by no means extensive , ,and it doesnt take into account crimes comitted by JW`s against non JW`s.which if taken into account would expand this number xxx fold.
Their are other sites that show crimes comitted by Jehovahs witnesses , and every crime you can think of has been comitted by a practicing JW from murder to robbery ,extortion ,fraud, and child sexual abuse to name a few.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b08yw11v at 28 minutes.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/07/26/jehovahs-witnesses-attacked-charity-commission-paedophilia-cover/ charity commission investigation report.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40719773?sthisfb written article on rose questioning his victim.
Only the last link works for me.
While the JW`s say they abhor child sexual abuse ,in both cases cited they failed to inform the appropiate authorities or the police of these allegations of abuse against children in their religion.
Why not ?
i have my meeting tomorrow and i dont know if i should act like im having a good time or not.. from akid48 .
read my last post i made to know whats going on in my life.
Because of your age just keep learning the truth about the truth (TTATT) but keep it to yourself until you are old enough to move out on your own and be an independent person.
Dont get baptised and study everything on jwfacts site.
I`m glad you have found this site and take care ,you have a lot of support here.
mum has a mild form of lukeimia if she took blood like normal people she could live to be 100. but no, anointed sisters dont compromise jehovah wont allow it.
so here i am moving to sydney for one month going to hospital everyday putting my life on hold to watch my mother die slowly.
watching her gasp for air, struggle to breath.
So sorry to hear this witness 007 my thoughts are with you in this trying time.
Its nothing short of criminal this blood doctrine under the guise of religion they should be prosecuted.for it.
hi everyone.. well, i have some good news.
after having a terrible moment arguing with my mom about the 1914 teaching and all it evolves (she get really upset and i felt great regret for starting the argument) she came to me next day and started talking with a much more open mind, and she talked about a lot of concerns too.. she and my father naivily expressed the wish to write to bethel to ask about 607bc.
i told in all the possible ways it wouldn't work.
Ray Frankz sending a letter to the Governing Body pointing out their flaws in doctrine could be likened to sending a letter to a Mafia boss that he could be breaking the law.
The GB are not delusional ,they know full well they are not directed by Holy Spirit and that they are not operating under the guidance of the Holy Spirit ,
They have admitted to not being inspired by God and not directed by Gods Holy Spirit.that they are imperfect and make mistakes.
And the videos of the Australian Royal Comission also show that the Australian Governing Body member G.Jackson can lie under oath.
When asked by counsel if Jehovahs Witnesses considered themselves the only "true"religion ,his reply was "That would be presumptuous of him to say that "?
Also Vincent Toole a JW and a legal representative of the WT organization when asked by counsel about shunning said "I have heard about it but I dont know what it means" another lie. under oath.by a person of responsability high up in the organization
The JW`s are no more directed by God than are the Mormons ,Seventh Day Adventists or the Christadephians.or any other religion.
bbc news website has this linked on front page.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40704990.
Maybe all jehovahs witnesses will dismiss this article ,most of them are a lost cause anyway .Who cares ?
They bought their ticket ,they know what they are getting into,and they will suffer the consequences.
However the general public will more likely , because of this article dismiss the JW`s as a cult to be avoided .
And that is who I am most concerned about.
Their not interested in the nitty gritty of who is right and who is wrong ,dotting the I`s and crossing the T`s .
The average person ,not a JW will just dismiss the religion as another lot of fruitcakes.
And i think thats a great outcome.