: Tom wouldn't have gone thru with the thing even if you had've supplied the information he needed.
How do you know? Who appointed you God? Are you now a mind reader?
* http://www.intrex.net/talley/boggess.html .
here is another example of watchtower magick, which makes things go away.. a case almost 10 years old now, where a married jw couple living near charlotte, nc filed charges against elders & the wts.. 8, count'em eight, criminal charges were filed against these defendants.. a jw sister, named ginger boggess was hauled in before a judicial committee because her daughter wanted to join a high school function.. the elders on the committee really musta worked her over, or so she alleged.. the complaint listed:.
1. false imprisonment.
: Tom wouldn't have gone thru with the thing even if you had've supplied the information he needed.
How do you know? Who appointed you God? Are you now a mind reader?
in the book faith on the march by alexander h. macmillan, page 43 it states:.
"in october, 1902, i attended a convention in washington, d.c., where i was married.
my wife and i then spent a year in california, returning in 1904 to allegheny.".
: I'm not sure how you removed 10 years from Schnell's book, but after reading his story, he should have been sentenced to 10 years for no documentation and poor writing.
He claimed in the forward to his book that he was an uneducated man and that his book was not going to be scholarly. Although he provided very few actual references (page numbers, and often books), I've hunted down several of his comments and they were in Rutherford's books just as he claimed.
Schnell was not a historian and never pretended to be. I most fault his book for his bitterness and often fanciful theories (like the number of the beast [666] was the WTS). That said, I've never seen a better wealth of anecdotal evidence about the society and Rutherford during the 20's and 30's. From all the other documented sources I've seen there is nothing that Schnell said that seems the least bit out of line about how the society and especially Rutherford operated.
There is a well-researched book about Rutherford coming forward soon now, from what reliable sources have told me. It would be interesting to compare Schnell's stories with this book when it comes out.
Schnell did as much to show the WTS for what it really was in his day as Ray Franz has done in our day. When I was a boy growing up, the mere mention of "Thirty Years a Watchtower Slave" sent shivvers up everyone's spine and any man who possessed it was indeed possessed by demons himself. The WTS was very concerned about the damage that book did to their little pet cult and made sure all R&F dubs wouldn't go near it.
* http://www.intrex.net/talley/boggess.html .
here is another example of watchtower magick, which makes things go away.. a case almost 10 years old now, where a married jw couple living near charlotte, nc filed charges against elders & the wts.. 8, count'em eight, criminal charges were filed against these defendants.. a jw sister, named ginger boggess was hauled in before a judicial committee because her daughter wanted to join a high school function.. the elders on the committee really musta worked her over, or so she alleged.. the complaint listed:.
1. false imprisonment.
: an individual who just recently swore by the hair of his chiney-chin-chin that he was gonna "sue the bastard" ... but before 3-4 days were gone by had (for some mysteriouis reason ... Ha!) completely changed his wee little mind.
Look Yadirf,
Tom can't sue someone he can't positively identify or locate. That was up to me. I changed my mind. If you're going to blame anybody, then blame me, not Tom.
Don't you have anything better to do than to be a total dickhead? I've noticed that all the times you've posted starting many months ago on H20, you've never posted any thing work thinking about or debating. You do no research. All original threads I've ever seen you post are for sole purpose of attacking someone personally. Not their ideas, but THEM personally.
All you do is rattle cages and nit-pick. Most of the time you're just talking out of your ass, and virtually nothing I've seen you write makes any contribution to others. If you don't believe me, take a poll. Ask how many people find your comments useful and informative. Then ask how many people think you are an annoying, childish little misquito with a fetish for scatological topics.
You won't like the results of that poll. With your doctrinal views you certainly wouldn't be welcome back into dubland. You'd be DFd the first time you opened your big yapper. You weren't liked at on H20 and you're certainly not liked here, either.
Face it, you're a dysfunctional misfit who gets his kicks out of dogging people in anonymous cyberspace. Grow up.
as the last days wind down to their dramatic conclusion, prophecies that were heretofore obscure, over time have now come more sharply into focus.
one such prophecy that bears review is the oft-quoted verse concerning the "increasing of lawlessness.
" typically the watchtower has pointed to increasing criminal lawlessness in the world as evidence of the fulfillment of that particular feature of the sign of christ's imminent arrival.
: I believe YouBlow/Sideshow Bob has already given you permission to forward the incriminating info to the WT authorities.
I asked him for a simple "yes" or "no" answer and said that any other answer would be viewed as bullshit. He's playing games with me. Remember, he stated that he was confident the society wouldn't get excited about his raves. I challenged him by saying if they wouldn't get exicited would he care if I told them all about him.
I want everyone to know I am extremely uncomfortable about the idea of ratting on a JW, even one as sick and perverted and bile-spouting as YK. It would make me feel like a dub all over again to do so.
YK's bile and name-calling is no longer the issue for me. I'm certain I've caught him in another of his lies. (I've caught him in countless dozens of them over the years.) If he were to say "no, I don't give you permission, then he will have been shown to be a liar when he stated that the society wouldn't get excited over his stuff. Otherwise, he wouldn't care if I notified them about him and his activities. If he answered "yes," then he knows and I know he's a goner, and I would have had my part in making him a goner with his own permission.
But he weasals around with a statement like "do whatever you have to do." If I rat him under those circumstances, I'm the bad guy. If I don't then people like Copernicus will think I'm a coward or a wimp.
I must stick with my orginal challenge: "yes" or "no." If he says "yes", he will undoubtably be DF'd. If yes answers, "no," then he lied when he said the society wouldn't get "excited" about what he's doing. Either way, he's the loser.
YK is notorious for evading and skirting around issues he doesn't want to face.
So, it should be pretty obvious why has hasn't given the simple, one-word answer as I requested.
most of the stuff posted here is negative, hateful, and blasphemous against god.
even if many of you are right in saying that the jws are wrong on many and important issues, that does not make you right.
so unless you are convinced that there is no biblical god you are facing serious trouble when you die or if the lord comes during your lifetime.
: Farkel, I did make an argument. You missed it.
: My argument was actually very simple: Apostates, like yourself, act in a way that does not honor God or Jesus Christ. Even if your points on certain issues are correct, the attitude or manner in which you present them is unChristian.
Oh, so THAT'S your argument! Mea Culpa. Your argument boils down to: "even if the message is correct, shoot the messenger because of his 'attitude.'"
Well, glory be! Tell the truth and you'll get shot anyway! Praise JEEEZUZ! Glory to God in the heavens!
Where do I sign up to join your cult? I would be thrilled to be part of a cult that believes that people who tell the truth should be killed because the delivery of such truth was unacceptable.
most of the stuff posted here is negative, hateful, and blasphemous against god.
even if many of you are right in saying that the jws are wrong on many and important issues, that does not make you right.
so unless you are convinced that there is no biblical god you are facing serious trouble when you die or if the lord comes during your lifetime.
: Need I remind you, though that the Holy Ghost IS GOD.
Yeah, you do need to remind me. So God is a Ghost, eh? Makes perfect sense to me.
: God is a Triune being, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
As I said, he has multiple personalities. I don't trust beings with multiple personalities. You shouldn't either.
: So whether you blaspheme the Holy Ghost within us, or Jesus, or if you blaspheme the Father, it is still unforgiveable.
Good. Human parents can forgive their children for just about anything, including murder, but the God of all Gods won't forgive his children when they call it like they observe it.
: Look at what you are saying here, and think about it. You are calling God evil, because He takes due vengeance out on those who reject Him, just as He will in the end times.
That is exactly what I'm saying.
: You are rejecting the God of righteousness, because He judges evil and keeps to Himself only that which is good.
Righteous Gods don't need to go around murdering imperfect people and condemming them for eternity: people that HE made. Unrighteous Gods do like to do that kind of stuff. What kind of God did you say you worship, again?
i wonder would christians (jw's included) still serve god if it were god's will for them to die in this world and not live forever?!?!?!!.
if u think like that, it makes u realise just how selfish it all is to believe that!!.
they may say that they would but i doubt it!!!!.
: I wonder would christians (JW's included) still serve God if it were God's will for them to die in this world and not live forever?!?!?!!
: I don't think so!!!!!!!
My uncle who is the most honest, and generous man I have ever known, is also a devout Mormon. He has given away countless tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to help others. He gives away more money and more time to help people than anyone I've ever known. He never asks for anything in return, either. His church asks for ten percent, he gives twenty percent. He's just like that.
When I was visiting him and we were driving around in his car he said to me, "You know, if God came down to me and said, 'it doesn't matter how you live your life down here. I don't care. There will be no reward, nor no punishment after you die.', I wouldn't change a thing in my life from what I'm doing now."
I grew up with this uncle. He's only seven years older than me, and I know him very well, like a big brother, even. He meant every word of it.
He is the big exception, though. Most people (and especially JWs) "serve" God out of pure selfishness.
just a thought.... in most of the publications that have pictures of people in the new order / new system / paradise earth - why do they have clothes on?
not only that, but they usually wear their national costumes !.
i guess the practical reason is that if everyone was naked then the watchtower would be classed as soft-porn and could only be sold from top shelves.... anyone have any thoughts on this?
It takes one or two trips TOPS to a nudist camp or nude beach to get rid of all hang-ups being naked around a bunch of people.
It's gonna take dubs a full THOUSAND YEARS before they can get over it. And they all have to be perfect first! Boy are THEY ever full of hang-ups!
as the last days wind down to their dramatic conclusion, prophecies that were heretofore obscure, over time have now come more sharply into focus.
one such prophecy that bears review is the oft-quoted verse concerning the "increasing of lawlessness.
" typically the watchtower has pointed to increasing criminal lawlessness in the world as evidence of the fulfillment of that particular feature of the sign of christ's imminent arrival.
: Empty threats Farkel, empty threats.
You don't know what your talking about. If he says "yes," then I have his permission, and will notify the society and identify him. For years YK has said he has shared many of his thoughts with the society without any problems from them.
Lately, he been saying they are being condemned by God for their falsities. Furthermore he has claimed that he is fairly certain he would have no trouble from them if they knew what he's been saying. If he is so certain, then he shouldn't have any problems letting the society see what he's writing, should he?
I let him off the hook even though he didn't apologize because in a way I feel sorry for him. I'm not GOD, who's never supposed to change his mind, so quit belittling me because I did. I had a good motive for doing so, and I explained my motive.
But YK is right back making an incredibly outrageous claim. I tossed the ball back into his court to ferret him out and see if he was bluffing, or not.
If he says "yes" I will do exactly what I said I would do. Hide and watch, but get off my case for trying to be a nice guy to him and give him some slack even though he didn't deserve any.
hi special fried chipmonks.. can anyone help me try and prove to my dad that just because jw's teach a lot of good and do get a lot of things right(mainly common sense, i might add) that this does not mean that you can ignore the things they have got wrong, the kind of things that could prove that they are not who they say or think they are!!.
he is great at reasoning the existence of god but when it comes to defending jdubs he is blinkered.. i try to tell him that 'isn't it a coinsidence that you were born into the 'truth', or is it that every child thinks that it's parents are right!!'..
also he says that you shouldn't spend so much time trying to prove it's correctness but put faith in it.
: I feel pescimistic though, because he's even read Ray Franz's book and poo-pooed that!!
Well then, he's braindead. Don't feel bad, though. My mother is also braindead due to fifty years of dub lies.