JoinedReared in Syracuse, NY. the witnesses found us when I was 8. My siblings and I suffered through a miserable witness childhood, but grew up believing WT was right. I spent the next 25 years trying to fit in, though something always felt wrong. In Mar 2007 at age 42, I decided it was time I answer only to myself and my kids. I attended Memorial 2007. My brother in law gave the best talk ever, and I realized sitting there I definitely was not a believer anymore. I never stepped foot in a KH again. Being shunned by my stepdad completely, and it hasn't been easy with my mother, sister and brother-in-law, and long time close friends. My boys lost their friends, leaving them disillusioned for a time. But today we laugh when we realize we're worldy. We see life full of possibilities. It's been a yr and we are doing fantastic. We handle the shunning by smiling genuinely when we cross paths with old friends. Much to my surprise my mother has decided to exit as well. All it took was my golden silence. When she asked I asked to challenge her beliefs logically. We hold out hope for my sister.