So, ever since I was a little kid, I always wondered about other faiths. Because I was born and raised a Dub, only went inside of two other churches in my life for weddings. As many of you know, I was just DF'd at the beginning of this year. Its been a great relief for me to not have to go anywhere on Tues. and Thurs. evenings, and its nice to just sleep on Sundays.
Here are my problems with joining another church:
1. I play in a band on weekends, and roll in at like 2 am or later usually
2. Its now NFL season, and I love my football, something about being able to lay around and watch the early pre-game shows, all the way through to night time post game is GREAT!!!! And its a good excuse to smoke meat too. This last Sunday I smoked a Boston Butt for 9 hours, it is DELICIOUS!!!
3. All religions have been "tweaked" by men, and most of them all seem to have some darkness in their past, sometimes in the present.
4. I have no verifiable evidence that God, Satan, Heaven, Hell, Angels or Demons are real. To me, religion seems to be a way to control mankind, and make them believe in something greater than themselves, and IMHO, a way for people to make a lot of money tax free. Then there are the church goers that annoy me, the constant "do-gooders", the bible thumpers, the protestors to various things from Abortion clinics to metal concerts, etc.
I've met some one nice pastor a few years back, and he's never asked me anything, or asked me to come to services. He's always just been a very nice, NORMAL man. He smokes cigars, drinks whiskey, shoots pool, and is a wonderful singer and bass player. He's always been very kind, and always lends a listening ear. I finally got up the gull to ask him what time services are, and he said they are at 8:30, 9:30 and 11:00, and its a Methodist church.
I'd like to try a few, and see what its about, but I just don't know what to do, its very hard. At this particular church I know 3 people, the pastor, a buddy that plays guitar in the worship band, and a former JW.
Am I just not meant for religion??? What is holding me back from trying one of these?? I certainly don't subscribe to the JW faith anymore, or their opinions.