I have also been thinking about this. If the GB really wanted to reach as many people as possible they would use technology to get their message across.
So true. I think that so much is time and money is wasted with cold-calling. By the time you spend money on gas and take the time to get to the territory, technology could've reached millions.
*** km 11/96 p. 1 pars. 5-6 We Have a Commission ***
The prophet Ezekiel felt an accountability to give a warning message to unfaithful Israelites. Jehovah emphatically warned him of the consequences if he failed to carry out his assignment ....Paul preached publicly and from house to house because he recognized that a failure to do so could have made him bloodguilty before God.—Acts 20:20, 26, 27.
Do we have the zeal of Ezekiel? Do we feel impelled to preach as did Paul? Our commission is the same as theirs was. We must continue to fulfill our responsibility to warn others, in spite of their apathy, indifference, or opposition.
I think the highlighted portion can also refer to the JWs. It seems they have their own apathy, indifference, and opposed to the preaching work.